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Hello dear readers, I'm dropping this note to explain something.

This novel is no Historical fantasy romance novel, It's a Fantasy romance, So the places and the clothes will look a little like the modern world, But not the modern world, A fantasy world that is a little similar to the modern world.

I hope that I was able to explain the Idea to you, The readers.

Thank you and don't forget to vote and review and support this novel.

Please add my second novel It All Started with Hatred.





Next time I see you, I will teach you how to be a good kisser." Jason said, placing a kiss on her nose and pulling away, lifting himself, Watching the blush that appeared on her cheeks.


Adonis stood in front of the window watching as his brother send the two humans guests off to their house, Finally, He will have some peace, The last three days were havoc's, He didn't like the way that girl talked back to him, But for some odd reason, He didn't hate it that much, Which both confused and surprised him.


When Lily and Amila reached their home, Their parents were so happy, Especially Lily's mother who couldn't stop crying as she hugged her daughter. 

To her mother, Lily was the only thing that kept her going and she was the only thing that left for her from her late husband, The past four days were so hard on her, She wanted to go and see her, But Amila father told her that she can't, So was only left with one choice is to wait for her daughter return, save to her.

"I think we should celebrate tonight, What do you think?" Amila's mother asked everyone.

"We should, I will prepare Lily's favorite dishes and you should do the same too." Lily's mother replied.

The two girls offered to help their mothers while Amila's father went to work. While the two mothers were speaking about different things, The two girls were silent as they helped them in the kitchen, Each one of them thinking about what happened in the last four days.

Amila who took a daring step and took the initiative and kissed Jason, Couldn't believe that she had done this, But he didn't seem to hate it, But still, it's embarrassing and she just couldn't get over it.

She unconsciously reached to touch her lips remembering the feeling of his lips on hers. They were cold yet soft. She sighed trying to push the memory away and just focus on what she was doing right now.

As for Lily, She had conflict feeling that nearly drove her insane, She was was glad that that masked man had saved her but she was mad at him for not happy the fact that he didn't help Amila, Who dear they ask her to stay in return for their help and he said that he loves her, What kind of love is this, You can't ask someone you love for something in return your help.

But there is something else that made her feel conflicted that she couldn't pinpoint exactly what it is, She didn't understand Why that man saved her, He even went to the longeth to let her stay in his room, Was he a knife person and she didn't notice it, But his dry treatments with her didn't give her the option of thinking other than he hates humans.

She turned to look at Amila who, just like her, was thinking about everything that happened. She had told her that she will tell her family today about everything.

"Lily." Amila called her friend who was busy cutting the vegetables.

"Yes." Lily replied, looking up at her friend.

Amila stared at their parents before her to make sure that they wouldn't hear them.

"You look sad, Why is that?" Amila asked in a low voice.

"No, I'm not." Lily replied, smiling weakly.

Amila stared at her friend and didn't say anything. If Lily wanted to talk, She would come to her.

After two hours of preparing the dinner, The food was ready and placed on the table, The two families chatted as they eat their dinner, Amila stared at her happy parents and sighed, They think that she is cured of her sickness, She tried to explain everything to them but they didn't give her the chance, They were too consumed in their happiness, She didn't know how she should tell them but she needs to tell them.

She glanced at Lily who was talking to her mother, Feeling her friend's gaze on her, Lily turned to look at Amila before she spoke, making everyone look at her.

"Excuse me, everyone, I apologize for cutting you, But Amila has something important she needs to say. Please give her a chance to say everything she wants to say." Lily's words made Amila's parents turn to look at their daughter with worried looks.

Amila gulped softly and started to speak.

"Mom, Dad, There is something that I need to clarify, I haven't been cured of the disease, Jason couldn't do that for a reason." Amila paused observing the Shocked look on her parents' face.``Just like us, They are bound by rules, and to be able to use his blood to cure my condition, I will need to leave her and stay in the castle... Forever." She added finishing her explaining.

"Amila, Honey, What are you saying? That man told me that you are fine now... I think you got it wrong." Her father spoke, not believing what she just said.

They... they thought that all the pain and the suffering are over and that their baby girl is cured. 






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