What a normal person means

"That's all for today my Lord." The assent said.

Dismissing him. Hector stood up and left the study room walking upstairs. Jewel should be ready by now. Thinking about her. Brought a smile to his lips. She's the most lively person he ever saw. Always eager to discover new things.

Knocking on the door. He waited for a while before he opened the door Stepping inside the room. Jewel wasn't in the room. She was on the balcony. He could tell by the open doors of his balcony.

Hector didn't join her. He stood by the door watching her. Jewel stood there looking at the clear sky as if she saw it for the first time. She had a smile on her face that reflected her happiness. 

Hector frowned when he noticed something. She was leaning too much forward. If she leaned more. She will fall. He quietly walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"That is dangerous." Hector said as she turned to look at him.