Three days have passed and no improvement in Jewel's health. Her body became weaker. Her temperature rising and falling throughout the day never settled. She became bedridden most of the time with Hector by her side all the time. 

The whole mansion turned dark and gloomy with the lord of the place being angry all the time. Hector had punished one of the maids for not bringing Jewel breakfast fast as he ordered. The atmosphere is very tense in the mansion and everyone keeps an eye on their behavior fearing what the lord might do to them if they made any mistake.

Hector stared at Jewel who was breathing with difficulty in her sleep. Her forehead was covered in a cold sweat again. Her body was shivering despite the pile of blankets that was covering her body. Hector ran his hands through his hair feeling lost. He did everything he could do but nothing worked. He even visited the witch's house hoping to find a remedy for Jewel sickness but he came back empty-handed.