Chapter 2- Talk With Great gods

I suddenly felt some pressure on me and growled and opened my eyes . I was pretty shocked that I was able to open my eyes and was even more shocked to find myself in a pitch black area with only one source of light . It made me think that I was in some sort of void or am I on my way of to hell !? All that I know is that I died . I think I am so cold hearted that I can't even feel any anger or fear knowing that I died . Ah! Whatever let's just go towards the light . I thought maybe I would get to meet some sort of God or angel in those anime which Eva used to watch and moved towards the light . When I got close enough I was shocked . It was a door . I was even more shocked to find the door so gigantic that it was the same height as my Mansions' 2 ND floor . I just found myself at an even more of a tough spot ' How to open this door '. I then thought of the world's most gentlemen-ly thing to do ' It was to knock at the door ' . So , I just knocked at the door . No reply ... UGH ! Now I feel like an idiot for even trying such a lame thing but while I was cursing at myself the door had opened , a girl with silver hair Pink eyes wearing a white robe with golden lining came up to me and was staring at me .( AUTHOR :- SHE IS AN ANGEL )

When I finally noticed her , I jumped backwards due to seeing someone of of nowhere . The girl had Pink hair Pink eyes and she looked at me with an mischievous smile and said " So , you are the one . Huh, you do make an entrance according to your character. Whatever , follow me . Oh , and my name is Seraphina and nice to meet you . " I gave a greeting in return as well " Nice to meet you as well , Miss Seraphina . My name is Anouk sai . Um, if you don't mind can I ask you where we are ?" I asked her that with a puzzled face . She looked at me and replied with a sigh " All your questions will be replied at our destination so , please follow me " She said that and started walking . I decided the best choice of option is to follow her . I guessed she was one of those guides .

I just kept looking around and was astonished every time . It seemed this whole corridor or maybe even the whole castle was made up of marble and gold with many antic showcases .

When we reached a normal sized door which was extraordinary in a way . Yup , a thing that is both extraordinary and ordinary at the same time . The door was made up of freaking real gold . Even I the world's richest person ( who's dead ) didn't have so may things . She stopped and moved her head towards me and said with a grin " Best of luck , dear chosen one , The Anouk Sai " and disappeared into thin air . That was giving me goosebumps seriously . A person coming out of nowhere and disappearing into nowhere .

Now , I was standing in front of the golden door . It was an cliched scene available in most of those fantasy anime. Anyway , I knocked on the door and said " Excuse me , Anyone there ? I was told to enter by Miss. Seraphim's but found it rude to barge in without permission . " I got an reply immediately after that . The voice was hoarse and a tone of tiredness which gave me an idia whoever was inside they were pretty old . The reply was " Ho..Ho..Ho.. , Please come in dear child . We have been waiting for you. "

It sounded like a Santa Claus .

I entered the room and found the room was quite huge . In the middle there was a gigantic table with 11 people sitting on chairs and they were staring at me like I was some sort of rare object. I just smiled awkwardly at them and said , " Excuse me , I don't know what's going on right now so , could you please be kind enough to explain it to me . I was told all my questions will be answered here ." After hearing what I said a old lady stood up who had red hair Pink eyes and said " Please be at ease , I already know you have your very own hypothesis that we are Gods and that is correct . We usually just give this task to our subordinates but you here dear , are a special case and we would like it if you dropped your act . We called you hear to give you some task , ANOUK SAI . " She said that and gave an angelic smile .

I couldn't help but sigh at her words . I just looked at them and smirked . I added , " Okay , I give up , Miss Godess . So , what is it that such an important being would want from an lowly creature like me or is it something that not even you can't do it seems I like I hit it . Oh , and I am not here to do some favour so , please make a deal with me . Afterall , I am not some saint . Oh , and Please introduce yourself as , it is unfair If only you know my name . " I said that with a dangerous yet mischievous smile .

This time a old man with white hair and golden eyes , whose voice was similar to the one who allowed me to enter said laughing " Ha..Ha..Ha.. Look at these youngster . So young yet such a schemer . Nice to meet you brat , I am the God of creation - Sanat . Call me master " ( AUTHOR :- I MADE HIM AS A TEACHER FIGURE )After that the same old lady said " That's right , Sanat . He is indeed the best person for this task . So , nice to meet ya' brat . I'm Cielo , the ANGEL 's queen and call me mistress . Oh , and Serephina is my younger sister . " ( AUTHOR :- I MADE HER A STRICT BUT CARING LADY )I frowned at them using ' BRAT ' to address me and said " Hey , I am not a brat !? Stop calling me that . It's infuriating . "

As soon as I said that everyone except me started laughing . It made me even more angry . A beautiful lady with golden hair and blue eyes said " Anouk , please don't be mad . We all here haven't met someone for millions of years and think of you as our grandchild . We just found you cute acting like that. Oh , and my name is Anastasia, the Reincarnation goddess . If you want you can call me grandma . " ( AUTHOR :- I MADE HER A CARING LADY WHO IS UNDERSTANDING AND SUPER NICE )with a caring smile .I blushed heavily at her remark that even my ears turned red from embarrassment

I then replied after few minutes with " Okay , I understand grandma . " It was my very first experience to call someone grandma . After hearing that she came running towards me and hugged me tightly . She said " Why are you so cute !? I wanna keep you by my side forever . " After that another 3 pretty ladies came to me and said at the same time and 1) had dark green hair and yellow eyes , 2) had green hair and yellow eyes and 3) had light green hair and yellow eyes and they said " That's no fair , Anouk call us big sis . Oh , and we are the fate goddesses . We are triplets . " ( AUTHOR :- I MADE THEM THE NICE CARING SISTER TYPE ) I replied with a " Ok , big sis' . " even this was a first time .

After that two men 1) had black hair red eyes 2) hand Brown hair purple eyes were gossiping about something for a while and said " Heya' Anouk , I am the death God , Than and this here is one of the two guardian deity , Casey . Call us by our names . "( AUTHOR :- THEY DIDN'T WANTED TO BE CALLED BIG BRO CAUSE THEY THOUGHT IT WAS LAME ) I replied with a Ok . After that a old man with purple hair and green eyes said " Hey , kiddo . I'm the celestial God Aldrin . You can call me Grandpa . "( AUTHOR :- I MADE HIM THE COOL CARING GRANDPA TYPE ) I replied with an " Ok , Grandpa ."

After that a charming lady with brown hair black eyes came and ruffled my head and said , " Hi boy , I am another guardian deity , Edme . Call me by my name. I don't like titles . " ( AUTHOR :- I MADE HER THE COOL AND EASY GOING TYPE )I replied with a smile cause I found her nice and replied ' Ok ' . A lady with blue wings and green hair and blue eyes took her hand ahead and I shook her head . She said " Nice to meet you , Anouk . I am Gia the goddess of Nature but Call me Freya . "( AUTHOR :- I MADE HER A NICE BUT WILD TYPE )

And I said ' Ok freya ' .