A beautiful girl is looking at her reflection in the mirror in the bathroom. Her smile slowly engraved with a beating heart. Her hand rose to hold the left chest.

"I'm… so nervous." Her stomach seemed to tingle, making the smile that was etched not fade in the slightest.

[ Oh, I'm getting impatient. ]

The girl's hand grabbed a black fur coat and put it on. A black bag was perched on her right shoulder. Her long legs stepped out of the bathroom towards a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa. The sound of footsteps, she made, made the man turn his head in the direction of the sound.

"Are you sure about your decision?" The man looked doubtfully at the only daughter who would for the first time come out of the golden cage that prevented her from moving freely.

"I'm sure, Papa!" The girl answered firmly. Her hands were clenched tightly, actually she was a little nervous because for the first time she was about to see the whole world.

"But Papa isn't sure." The girl's smile slowly faded, her eyes glaring disappointedly at the man who was already standing in front of her.

"Why is that?" The girl sighed heavily, her face turning gloomy. After the preparations she had made a few days ago to welcome the day she had been waiting for, now why did her father change his mind instead?

"Papa always trusts you. So, don't ever break Papa's trust." The man smiled warmly, his burly hands covered in scars stroking his daughter's hair. Actually, he didn't want his daughter to leave his care, he wanted his daughter to not have to see the whole world. However, the stubbornness that passed from him, made his desire undeniable.

"Yes, Pa, I promise to do that. I'm leaving, Pa, there is already a private driver waiting outside. If it takes too long, he will get angry, hehe." The girl shook her father's hand and walked out of the house. She approached the white car that had been waiting for her all this time.

"What a long time!"

An annoyed tone that greeted the girl when she sat in the front seat next to the driver's seat. The man's annoyed look was met with a sneer. Her chin lifted in such a haughty manner that the man chuckled.

"Lackey, don't have to talk too much!"

"Heh! I'm not your lackey, huh! How can a handsome man like me be called a lackey!"

The girl looked down at the man, then shrugged nonchalantly. "What are you talking about, ugly! Hurry up and drive the car! Don't worry if you're late! I'll bury you alive!" The girl's eyes bulged fiercely, making the man shudder in horror. Annoyed, he started the car at a slow pace.

"Don't be late! I don't care!"

"You damn bastard!" The girl glared at the man who was driving the car as he pleased, trying to make her late.

"That's so stupid! I can't hear you!" The man casually started the car, while the girl sitting beside him cursed because she was already annoyed. Their journey was shrouded in silence before the girl finally gave a loud voice after glancing at her watch.

"Dito, it's already 7 am! I can be damn late!" The girl's hand hit the shoulder of the man named Dito hard. "Speed ​​up the car, or I'll kick you right now!"

The girl's threats are never playful, making Dito speed up his car because he doesn't want to be kicked out and end up horribly on the street. They finally arrived in front of the school gate with a gate that reads Dove High School. The clock showed 7.15 am, but strangely the school gates were still wide open even though it was quiet.

"See, right! I'm late because of you!" The girl pointed at Dito with an annoyed face. She got out of the car with her bag perched on her right shoulder, the jacket she had used earlier she had left in the car. She slammed the car door so hard that Dito screamed.

"Wow! Slow down! I just bought the car, it could be damaged!"

The girl stepped on her feet, ignoring Dito's angry shout. Her eyes caught two men in uniforms who seemed to be standing by the gate as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"Why are you guys here anyway!"

"Sorry, Miss, we have orders from Mr. Aditya to keep an eye on Miss at school." One of them named Nick answered formally.

The girl glared at the two men. "Don't tell me you guys also study here!"

Nick and Edward, the other man, glanced at each other, then looked down, not daring to look at their Miss. "Y-yes, Miss, we go to school here."

"Argh, that sucks!!"


This book has two volumes. Here's the order of the two volumes.

1. The Mafia Queen : Trapping A Man Who Phobias With Women

2. I Will Get You Back, Young Master! (English)

You can read both books separately. For now, the second book has been uploaded early.

Check my profile for the second book. You can read my other works.

- The Imperfect Second Male Lead (English)

- Dear Angkasa : My Pet Boyfriend (English)