Chapter 4 How They Hell Is He This Beautiful


'ok, so my life is doomed and now should i suicide by jumping through roof or drown in water i want to die painfully'

this is crazy he is going to let me be the mother of a country(she means empress)

how is that possible that guys did he hit his head i am going to run away from this country with enough money so can live and-


'ouch, ouch my back really do i need to get hit by someone right now'

'are you alright'

huh, what's with that line it seems so familiar like i have heard it before when was it who did i hit into

'yes i am fine sorry for not looking straight while walking'

now let me check his face

huh! Wait white hair blue eye's like an ocean voice like a melody and beauty like none another with a sword in his right leg and wearing a white unifrom with a dove in it that's how the novel described the crown prince but how the hell does he look like the crown prince

no wait don't tell me he is the crown prince that cold and sadistic prince is this beautiful no way this guy is gonna became my husband the next emperor this is totally crazy no wait i should greet him first

'greetings to the future sun of the empire Elisa ve verita at your service'

'Elisa you say'

'yes your highness'


wait what's with that laugh is he making fun of me no wait the emperor must have said something about me, so he knows who i am no does that mean he knows i am his fiancé this is bad i need to get out of here


'your highness i assume your going to visit the emperor his majesty is in the garden resting you can see them there sorry for bumping into you, i did not mean it i shall be careful now onwards then i shall take my leave'

'ok be careful now onwards'

'yes your highness thank you for your care'

OMG i escaped from devils hand i thought i was prepared to meet him but who would have thought he was that handsome no actually it's my fault i knew he was super hot that made the whole girls fall for him but still suddenly seeing him is a bit too much

how can i live with him if i am like this in our first meeting this is not good for my heart ok so now i have to be ready for our engagement i have to buy new dress and jewelries that's right an engagement between the future emperor and empress will be so grand i have to be prepared

now that i think about it this engagement actually belongs to my sister in that day Elisa puts a scheme to embarrass Melina but fails so badly then after one week of the engagement the emperor will fall sick and die in two weeks then Albert will become the emperor than he will marry Melina they both became two love doves of the empire and live happily ever after that