“Clementine! Where on Capricus’ name were you?!”,
Poor mage winced at the excessively booming voice that came after hearing the doors to her chambers slam open. She groggily sat up, yawning as she rubbed her tired-swollen eyes. Bright warm rays of the sun greeted her in her wake, hissing when her newly opened optics got blinded by the illuminating light. Mornings sure are great— note the sarcasm.
“You can never give a woman her own privacy. . .”, The mage mumbled, hopping out of her warm fluffy comforters only to sluggishly make her way outside her room, motioning her hand to the prince as an indication to follow her, in which he instantly obliged. Trailing behind her, Aethan once again huffed in agitation, rolling his obsidian orbs every now and then, earning himself an unamused glance from the lass.
“You obviously forgot that you offered to accompany me to town, in order to purchase something. And it isn’t my fault that you’re filled with forgetfulness!”, He seethed, scrunching his nose in annoyance. As a response, Clementine tilted her head at him, questioning over his latest statement. Did she really offered to accompany him? She forgot, woops.
“You’re unbelievable!”, Aethan added, staring at her incredulously.
“I did?”, she replied with a hum, tapping her pointer on her chin multiple times deep in thought. And it was as if someone threw a brick on her head— a gasp left her lips, silvered-optics widening in recognition. It was weeks ago when she volunteered to accompany him to buy satin ribbons in town, when she happened to hear him talking alone. But she was too busy with researching, that it completely slipped off her mind.
“I shouldn’t be surprised at all”, the prince grumbled, muttering things incoherently that interconnect with Clementine’s forgetfulness and how irritatingly bothersome it is.
“It’s not my fault that I practically inherited my grandmother’s absentmindedness”, She retorted, crossing her arms with a huff, only to drop them defeatedly in a second. Her mouth curved into a small unnoticeable frown, gaze casted on one of the bookshelves in her private haven that mirrored her unspoken displeasure.
“Satin ribbons. . .a gift for Isabelle?”, Clementine inquired, glancing back at Aethan who blushed at the mentioned name of Ellysia’s one and only princess. This prompted her to mentally cough, cringing at the thought of the princess’s glowing picture that randomly popped in her head. If it is possible for someone to bleach her mind, then she’d pay for it no matter how expensive it would cost. Anything to rid of her current thoughts.
“Y-yeah. I figured that I should give her a satin ribbon to wear in the banquet”, He stuttered, turning much more into a red ripe tomato as seconds passed by. On the other hand, Clementine hid away all discomfort that she felt, masking it well with a forced yet believable teasing grin, as she playfully shoved her companion.
“What was that for?!”,
“Mhmm, not over with your courting yet, I see”, she giggled, smirking afterwards. “I thought that you’ve already stopped after that one time where you brought the princess something. . . She wasn’t very pleased at”, Clementine whispered the last remaining five words, low but inaudible enough for the crowned prince to hear. This obviously made him a lot more embarassed and red than before, recalling the event that happened not so long ago.
“I-I d-didn’t know that I-Isabelle is allergic to p-pups!”,
“You didn’t delved well in her interests and nots then”, the made replied with a triumphant smile, laughing a few laughs before letting it die down with a sigh. She then gave him a small smile, sauntering pass his figure back to her room to ready herself. It was their best-friend telepathy that told Aethan that she was going to change into something more proper than her pajamas, and with a silent puff of air he left the vicinity, informing her that he’ll meet her in the courtyard after she’s done.
The silver haired magician purposely took her sweet time in her room, obviously wanting to irritate her rascal of a friend. A payback for waking her up with that loud voice of his. Her dream was interrupted abruptly and she wasn’t near pleased with that. It was an important one, for it was heavily about dark magic. She was actually conversing with her sacred guardian, asking for guidance and clearance from the whole ordeal that both she and Alejandro decided to keep to themselves, in order to avoid havoc.
One slip up of this certain topic and all hell will break loose. Don’t get it wrong though, they’d absolutely want to inform and warn them of this, but unfortunately enough, people in this dynasty overreacts too much, to both of their disdain. It won’t be too long until the residents of Celeste would migrate to either Sappherine or Xereisee, if that happens. Hence why they avoided to ever mentioning it.
Teleporting her way from her room and to the castle’s courtyard, her soles touching the neatly polished grounds with a faint click. It was almost a graceful landing. Keyword: almost. Had it not been for a certain someone who tackled her from behind, prompting the two of them to topple and land on the cement with a loud and painful thud. Although, most of the pain was given to the magician instead of the unknown person.
“Holy mother of racoons! My dear Clei is that you?!”,
Heaven knows how much she wanted the ground to eat her alive when she heard that voice.
“Luca Rovic, what the actual hell?”, Aethan grunted, flinching at the sight of poor Clementine who currently had her face planted on the hard cemented grounds. He could already envision her with her nose bleeding, forehead red and stinging, and last yet not the least— an infuriated imperial magician. Oh dear, no one wants to meet an angry Clementine. No one, not even himself.
“Oh, hey Aethan. Didn’t see you there”, Luca shrugged, lifting himself from his previous position, now standing a few feet away from the prince. He playfully bowed as a form of respect, earning himself a glare from the matcha-haired lad. Ah, yes, Aethan held a friendly grudge to him and Timothy for various reasons.
“Don’t just casually ‘hey’ me, Rovic”, the crowned prince spat, rolling his optics in irritation with a displeased scoff, thus earning himself a rather amused him from the former. “And would you please leave us? Clementine and I have some business that has yet to be done. You’re delaying our golden time”,
“Figured. Anyway, it’s nice meeting you once again, Aethan. Oh. . .and you too dear Cl—“, Luca hasn’t yet finished his farewell when a fist collided with his cheek, making him stumble back with a grunt. Although it was painful, he couldn’t help it but grin widely at the fact that he knew the one who punched him very well. “Still as rogue as ever Clei”, he snickered, not even feeling the slightest amount of sorry when he saw the obviously oozing red blood from her small nose.
“Luca!”, She exclaimed, eye twitching in annoyance. “How many times do I have to tell you!?”, Clementine held her sleeved covered forearm on her nose, using the fabric to wipe away the crimson liquid that kept on gushing out.
“Dear Clei, still as beautiful as the day I’ve first laid my gaze on you”, the male responded, charmingly giving her a smile that made her look at him with an ‘ew-stop-doing-that-it’s-horrendous’ expression— adorning her visage. It was cringey that even her body agreed when she felt goosebumps all over her skin.
“Stop giving me those remarks, honestly— they’re horrendous”, the magician replied, sighing as she healed herself from the intentional physical pain that Luca had recently caused. Though, even with her irritated demeanor, Clementine couldn’t help it but produce a small smile filled with joy. It’s been years since she last saw Luca. And she was glad to have met him again.
Aethan, on the other side, was busily glaring at them, tapping his shoe on the ground in haste and frustration. Time is obviously gold and is running continuously. Apparently, he had gain word that Isabelle would be arriving later via teleportation, and he wanted to welcome her the moment the princess’s heels landed on the carpeted floors. However, if they remain standing and doing nothing, then he is likely afraid that he’d arrive later than what he intended.
Obviously sensing the crowned prince’s restlessness, Luca went forth and hugged the maiden, mumbling a faint ‘see you later’ to her, before stalking off. Clementine could only watch his leaving figure after that, faintly waving her hand as the young master of House Rovic rounded to the other corner— completely aware of the fact that someone is fuming behind her. This prompted her to chuckle, twirling around to face Celeste’s next ruler with a huge teasing grin.
“Geez, I get it. There’s no need to resemble a boiling kettle Aethan. Let’s go”, and with that she activated her magic circle, teleporting the both of them to the prince's destination of choice.