Chapter 23

Early birds singing faint music from the distance had woke her up from deep slumber. Sluggish as she rose up from the warm comforter and mattress that her colleague had offered last night.

Rubbing her lethargic optics, a small yawn came past her pursed lips— at the same time, she opened her sight, surprised at the fact that the skies were already shining with bright light that came from the large orb of blazing fire. It was then the reason of the sudden red flags that alarmed her.

(‘I woke up late!’) frantically thought Clementine, shoving away the blanket from her body, before hopping into the floor while hastily slipping in her signature loafers.

Her gaze travelled throughout the vicinity, widening at the sight of the enormous grandfather clock that was currently pointed on exactly eleven o’clock.

Clementine snapped her fingers, letting her prowess do the tidying, before scurrying off— running throughout the halls of Sappherine ‘s magnificent fortress. Her heels clicking throughout each rushed step that she took.

Panting breaths reached her ears, sweat slowly yet surely cascading down her forehead.

She had been in a sprint for while, twisting and turning through each hall encountered, though lucky enough for her, she was able to spot a certain gray haired male on one of the huge glass windows, probably overlooking the kingdom.

“Alejandro! I’ve been looking for you.” Clementine gasped, slumping on her knees as she reached a meter away from the aforementioned lad.

“Pardon. You look too peaceful and I just didn’t have the heart to wake you up.” the warlock mumbled, though loud enough for her to hear. His attention still fixed on the vast lands beyond, admiring the nature and its splendid view.

“You should have.” the mage argued, chest rising and falling into rhythm as she tried to catch her breath.

The sun had already rose up and glowing, gracing the lands with its warm touch, creating a gorgeous blanket of light that goes scorching hot every passing second. Standing idly on both her feet, she took in a huge amount of air, releasing it in a sharp sigh.

“I know that you’d be upset or something. But I have to.” He muttered, barely audible for her to comprehend. Emerald optics swirling in concern, regret, uncertainty, and more— gazed towards her; silently apologizing and wanting forgiveness.

“You’re embarking in a treacherous voyage. The least that I could offer is, for you to have as much rest, before continuing.” Alejandro added. His hands unconsciously travelling, finding solace on her shoulder blades, whom he then gripped with vigor.

Hence, the reason she flinched. “I know that you mean good. However, with this predicament. . .I think rest isn’t on any of our choice list.” She stared at him, unknown emotions flashing on her vibrant orbs.

“If you’re on my shoes. You would’ve worked hard too— not resting until such a case is solved.” The mage added; a matter of fact.

“I know. I know that.” Defeated, he sighed. Removing his hands from her shoulders, letting them dangle on both his sides. Yet, his attention, his dazzling emeralds were still focused on her.

“There’s no stopping you now, is there?” he asked, more to himself. Laughing gently as he witnessed the crinkling of silver eyes. “I support you. Now go, I know that you’re itching to leave.” Alejandro grinned, sadly with a tinge of assurance. He reached up to ruffle her already unruly tresses even messier, only stopping when he is sure to have made a bird’s-nest.

“Jerk.” Mumbled Clementine, pouting whilst mentally cursing the lad for being a part of the so-called ‘Elite Group of Jerks’ (that Luca Rovic unfortunately founded).

“But you love me~”

“Who knows? I’m off.” The mage of Celeste snarled distastefully, crossing her arms while letting her form dissolve alongside the passing-through refreshing breeze.

Saddened at her choice of solving the problem, Alejandro couldn’t help it but feel anger. She could be really idiotic. And she’d be doing stupid things along the way for sure.

He knew that she would be willing enough to throw herself into danger, make herself a bait.

A pawn to the enemy, even if she’s a knight— in chess. But don’t knights get to be pawns too? Apparently and unfortunately.

He trusted her capabilities. She holds so much power and magic within, without her knowing of course. However, her sense of doing decisions were the ones that made him frown in worry.

Landing in a conclusion from his ongoing thoughts, he snapped his finger to conjure an owl, using his prowess to order it with something that would hopefully aid that hard-headed friend of his.

He won’t be there physically, and he would be really restless. Thus, he decided to give his pal a companion, mentally asking the heavens for Clementine to not disregard his own ‘way’ of aiding and to not hex the guy.

And for her to accept the fact that he sent someone much more level-headed and calm to keep her in control and away from danger.

Albeit he had a feeling within his bone marrow, that both of them would do just fine.

He hope so.

On the contrary, the white-haired lass eventually did unknowingly succumbed to Alejandro's recent statement. Slumped and depleted as she found herself standing in the midst of tall beige pillars where detailed roses are carved— grandiose lights from looming chandeliers that costed millions, gracing her with luminescence.

She sough in recognition of the area, immediately knowing that she have teleported herself inside a small ballroom within the palace, a vicinity dedicated only for dance practices and classes for royal family; exclusive for them to use.

This is where she first learnt to dance a simple waltz, taught by Aethan back when they were ten. Reminiscing the past had her chuckling, grinning small at the rush of memory that rewound in her head.

Clementine was never good at dancing, considering that she never had the luxury to attend dance classes nor did she had the talent to do so. Imagine her embarrassment when Alejandro of House Yvelle, invited her to attend his seventh-birthday party.

He asked her for a dance, and she may or may not have stepped on his soles numerous times.

That was really abashing.

Although, at the same time. She have also been intrigued to learn the concept of prancing with elegance akin to a swan.

"I sensed your presence? Shouldn't you be in Sappherine or was it Xereisee?".

"I just realized something and reckoned that it would be better to stay." Answered Clementine, turning to face Aethan, who have just emerged from the now-closed oakwood doors. She gave him a smile, albeit such didn't reach her ears.

"Alejandro told you something, did he?" The prince questioned anew, stepping forward and towards the windows, light from the blazing sun obscured by dark green curtain— to which he drew open.

"Mhmm. He's right though. I should stay than venture further."

. . .

"Can you turn off the lights please?" and she abide. Motionlessly flicking off the switch with concentrated magic.

Sunlight flooding the non-lit vicinity, creating shadows to certain areas that were shielded by whatnots. This brought her a sort of lightness of warm comfort; relief.

Her knees buckled, and gravity did its usual job— when Aethan finally finished tying the cords that'd keep the curtains drawn— he was nonetheless, surprised to witness his friend, laying face-flat on the cold tiled floors.

He internally sighed, pinching his nose. This young woman clearly needs to destress. She's been working hard, he knew. Her brain must been filled with so many reoccurring thoughts and analogies. The least that he could do was. . .

Hmmm. What could he do?


Dark pools searched the entirety of the closed area, squinted as the owner searched for a certain item that was supposed to be within the vicinity. It was a medium sized box, white in color whilst decorated with pure golden swirls, saphire stones and silver flowers whom he recalled were lilies.

He had no idea of its origin. All he knew was that— it was much more older than him. As if on cue, he spotted the desired object, sitting atop a small circular table in the farthest corner possible.

He was too lazy to retrieve it with his feet, so he resorted on using magic to take it. Fortunately enough, he succeeded. Not after a few sparks that would've blown the thing into ashes.

Though, it did acquire a small burn on the side. Nothing too serious. . . He wished.

Aethan then strode in front of her afterwards, or rather. . .above her head, before kneeling down on one knee. And with his profound determination to aid this 'nuisance of a magician'; quote sarcasm. He offered her a nongloved hand, rose lips pursed into a thin line, obsidian jeweled pools glowing unknown.

And then he mumbled. Or rather whispered words that made the magician lift her head up, to meet his gaze. The lightest of silver clashing with the darkest of black.

"Would you like to have a dance with me, m'lady?".