Growing up in a small poverty town. Clementine only had known little to none when she was young. Books were sold pricey and affordable just for the rich, whereas schools shunned the likes of her for being such a low class citizen.
Sappherine was and still is a wonderful kingdom. Yet like any other, it also suffered greatly from problems involving the unequal treatment between the low, mid, and high classed people.
Fortunately enough, there were people of high nobility who're compassionate to have volunteered teaching the poor. One of them being Grisella Floxwood from House Venatici who happens to be the mother of Celwin and Rosette and the wife of Marques Tobias.
She was the lady who taught Clementine the basics of reading and writing for a short while.
But when the magician, Areogar, took her in (with permission from her family of course). Clementine's pea sized knowledge expanded ten times big.
The former imperial magician of Celeste taught her everything from magic, math, literature, etiquette. . . Almost everything except for politics.
Which then proves to be quite the conflict.
Yes. She was deemed a genius but every genius out there probably had their own things they weren't exactly good at. Similar to Neu Tonbrokfil— a known genius in mathematics— who apparently owns a bad pair of eyes in picking food.
Clementine had read once with Aethan in a newspaper, The Issues of Plaugvougnia (a really weird newspaper courier), that Neu sent himself to a hospital thrice because of food poisoning after picking and eating a rotten banana, expired lamb, or molded bread.
It was ridiculous.
Even four year old her could tell if their food was contaminated or expired.
"Amongst all the problems she'd ask me for aid. . . Why does it have to be politics?" She groaned, harshly tugging her skirt that have somehow got caught on a bush.
Clementine treaded the maze-like plants and bushes with a deep scowl. Grumbling incoherent disapprovals about the matter. Again politics. . .
Adding more to her irritation was the fact that her innner devil and angel were mocking her for it
'Hah! So called genius but not so genius' said the devil.
'Shut it you demon! Clementine is a bright girl just not in terms of politics, no.' said the angel.
The two little shits were obviously brewing themselves a storm in her mind.
All the way, the two faces subconscious of hers continued to bicker with every little step she made.
'She's just dumb and she knows it!' the devil.
'Stop with the slander! She's good at everything just not with politics!' the angel.
'You're slandering her too!'
'Am not!'
"Will you both please shut the fuck. . .up." she trailed off.
Crickets adorned the area when she stopped. Gaze now settled on five pairs of eyes that were rooted at her like she was an elephant in the arctic.
"Uhmm. . .Hi?" Clementine started.
Her cheeks grew profusely heated the longer she stood there. A heavy shade of red flushing her.
She couldn't bear hold herself in such embarrassing scene.
"I am so sorry!" The magician squeaked crouching down, hands flying to cover her face.
Embarrassing indeed.
It was the youngest who recovered first. Brixton stood up from his seat, running down to her with frazzled obsidian jeweled optics.
"T-There's nothing to be embarrassed of big sister!" The young one screeched, frantically nervous.
Clearly the scene costed her a chip from her confidence.
"Pfft. . ."
And as if to worsen everything.
Aethan decided to laugh though stifling it. Dominique, however, had unfortunately lost it— laughing akin to a hyena that his voice reverberated in the entirety of the garden.
The only people left in silence were the speculated guest and His Highness the king. Albeit, it wasn't long until the king let out a chuckle, deep and trembling.
"Clementine, raise your head up, please."
She didn't say a word to abide. No. She rather have the ground open and swallow her whole or dig a hole to herself and hide in it for the rest of her magical life.
"It's an order."
Lo and behold, she stood up (a tad bit too much) straight, her spine aching. Head held up high. "Yes, sir!" She exclaimed, yet her eyes were focus elsewhere.
"Hahaha. . ." Dominique continued. He was laughing so hard he had to bend and clutch his aching stomach. Tears prickling eyes.
Clementine's senses came back as if her nerves were washed with hot water. Her anxious face turned grim looking. Her aura changed as though there was a switched turned on.
"Funny. Really funny." She muttered.
"Forgive me Clei. You were hilarious." Replied the knight.
"I'll hex you just you wait." Clementine threatened. "I'll give you hideous things more than boils."
Dominique gulped, shivering. Not due to the cold breeze but due to fright. The magician was so satisfied with his reaction she ended up smirking triumphantly. Although her expression turned neutral upon facing the king.
"Right. Excuse me for behaving unlikely." Stated the only female.
"It's alright." The king waved a hand. "No harm done. However, I would like to introduce you to our esteemed guest. I believe Dominique have told you of his origins." He paused.
Clementine found her attention glued on the oddball. Her gaze bored yet filled with questioning, whereas 'he' countered her with the same intense attentiveness.
"This young lad is Shaun. Stemmed from the talented humble House of Nevaerez."
On cue, the boy named 'Shaun' stood up from his seat, approaching her with his lips pursed. He held out his hand to which Clementine cautiously stared at with slitted optics.
"Shaun Februs Nevaerez. A pleasure to meet you." He quipped.
She accepted his outstretched hand, firmly grasping it with a tight shake. "Clementine. Likewise."
He raised a brow. "Clementine? No other extended name nor surname?"
'He's one of those smartass jerks. I bet' she thought sour. "Clementine Woods"
The two retracted their hands back now minding their respective businesses. Shaun went back to his seat starting a conversation with Aethan in hushed voices.
On the other hand, Clementine stepped towards the king holding out a letter she had received not so long ago.
King Lawrence accepted it with no hesitation. Recognizing the insignia carved on a golden wax seal. Camellias surrounded by grape vines in the middle of a book.
"Take a seat, Clementine." Said the king as he opened the given envelope.
This prompted Dominique to side step (for he was somewhat standing on the way) allowing her passage. Whereas Brixton scooted closer to Shaun giving her space to sit on.
"What's that?" The said child questioned.
"A letter from Ellysia." Replied the magician. "I'm afraid I couldn't say more to explain, Brix."
"It's alright." Brixton assured. "It must be confidential matter. I understand." He gave her his infamous gummy ball grin.
As she sat. She saw Shaun reach out for a basket filled with lukewarm of cookies. Clementine's nose scrunched in distaste when its aroma crept its way to her place as if wanting to entice her into eating one.
Shaun held it out to her with Brixton blinking at the exchange (the cookies was right in front of him).
"S-Shaun. . . I think it's best not to offer her those." The amber haired child stuttered I uncertainty, eyeing the basket and the white haired lass beside him.
"Cookies?" Offered Shaun. He didn't listen and it made Aethan shook his head with a sigh.
"No." She bluntly declined. "I hate butterscotch."
"Told you." Aethan whispered to his seatmate.
Somehow, Clementine was rather queezy seeing Aethan behave decently towards Shaun. This piqued her for the matchanette was and is apparently rude to whomever he'd encounter (even to her).
While conversing with Brixton and Dominique, the magician simultaneously observed two specific individuals, Shaun and Aethan, from her peripheral vision.
That's when she saw it.
Her eyes widened briefly before squinting.
A glimmer so faint yet still present.
A glimmer of fear.