My Birthday/ School Day

We went to bed that night, Nate put an arm across me tonight, he slept, after getting his birthday beatings, it sucked hearing him scream that way. We awoke the next day which was my birthday, we were called down to breakfast after we got dressed, we ate in silence, got sent out to play, we played until we got called in for lunch, we ate lunch, then watched some cartoons until dinner, ate dinner, then went to bed my birthday was like any other day, it was skipped over.

We awoke the next day, got dressed for school, went downstairs, ate breakfast, grabbed our lunches and backpacks, then went to wait for the bus. We got on the bus, Nate sat by the window and stared out the window quietly, I sat in silence looking out the window, lost in my thoughts, I hate my life at home, I want to be one of the normal kids, I was still covered in bruises, they hadn’t yet started to go away, I looked horrible, Nate did too, we somehow had to make it through today, we were in the same class and sat next to each other. We just needed to avoid teachers questioning, I hate when they ask, I lie every time so doesn’t Nate, we can’t seem to trust a soul to get the help we need. As the bus pulled up to school, parked, we got up, got off, walked together quietly to class, we took our seats, not really speaking, it was our normal in school, he would look over at me a lot though, everyone thought we were together but we’re trying to hide it, were best friends that’s it. We sat together at lunch, played together with our imaginary friends at recess, when school was over we got on the bus, it was yet another silent ride home.

We got off the bus at our stop, walked to his house, went inside, did our homework, then it was dinner time, we ate, showered and headed to bed. There wasn’t any talking at dinner, Nate was quiet before bed as well, he put an arm across me again tonight as he fell asleep, I fell asleep soon after him.