Chapter 3

I fell asleep and woke up later on in the evening . I walked out of my room and went straight to the place I was about to jump from a week ago only this time with a different intension . "Hey!" Oh hey Josy . "What are you doing here "?she questioned .I'm here for fresh air ."I've learnt a new song on my guitar do you want to listen ?" Sure ,Josy. "Wait here for me I'll be back." She said . I waited there for five minutes before I saw her running with her wooden guitar. "Ok here we go"she said . "This song was written by Hope Ahlers but it's dedicated to you by me ."

Dear baby bird

Dear sparrow 

You look lot like me when I lost my wings 

Dear baby bird don't be discouraged maybe freedom doesn't come and touching the sky 


You can fly in the ocean 

You can soar in your soul 

you don't need wings to feel free 

Dear baby bird 

Dear sparrow

Don't feel pressure I know you just wanted to heal 

Dear sparrow

Just hush now may be freedom comes when 

We don't need to make a sound

You can fly and the ocean

You can soar in your soul

You don't need wings to feel free 

I know you can fly

Dear sparrow

Dear baby bird

Dear sparrow 

You look a lot like me 

When I lost my wings

"How was it ?" She asked . It was amazing Josy . "Thanks" she said .There was a long moment of silence after that , I broke it by saying the sky looks beautiful today the stars are all twinkling bright ."Yeah, oh there look there that big bright star is my mum and that one there is my dad ." she said pointing at them . Do humans really turn to stars after death? I questioned ."We've just got to believe it .'she said . With that we talked through the night till sunset.

There are times that you would close your eyes, Those special memories of me will always bring back and smile, Calling my number repeatedly but with no response , If only you could have me back for just a little while you would say ,When I fade like the shadow of moon or like the whispers of the sea, The times of pain and the days of sorrow ,Miss me a little but not too long ,I want no cries, why cry for a soul gone to a better place a home built with gold ,The time where living feels like dying ,Miss me but let me go , When I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me , Miss me but let me go , For this journey is one we all must take , Burry your sorrow doing things that we once did, in memories we once made , then, miss me then let me go.

I finished writing the last words of my poem then push the book under my pillow maybe one day my talent will get me somewhere better in life. 

Ah ,grief, I should not treat like a homeless dog, who comes to the back door for a crust,for a meatless bone , I should trust you. I should coax you into the house and give you, your own corner,a worn mat to lie on, your own water dish . You think I don't know you've been living under my porch. You long for your real place to be readied before winter comes . You need your name, your collar and tag, you need the right to warn of intruders, to consider my house your own and me your person and yourself my own dog . A poem by Denise Levertov.

I pushed my thoughts aside as I walked into Josy's office. 

Hey Josy , I would like to continue. "Sure let's begin ." She said.