Sarah approached the table as she finds empty place to sit.
"Here are the food you need. Look, I know that only she would have eaten. So I bring out some food for you just dig in.", The old lady served the food on the table.
Both Ryan and Rosalind are astonished on seeing Sarah coming towards them. They didn't even notice that the food has been served. But when Sarah saw that the food gets served to the only table that has space, she turned around to leave.
Rosalind acted fast and grabbed Sarah's hand, "Pretty sister, do you know us or did you think that we are someone who you know?"
"No Either of the both", Sarah replied as she relieved her hands from the clutch of rose and turned to leave. Ryan didn't know what rose is up to.
"Then, why this pretty sister approached us?" she asked as she lean forward on Sarah's side with a cuteness in her face.
"Rose, what are you doing?"