Fate's Date

He is standing along the edge of the rock watching the sight of the city in the bright sun. He just stand there as if he have to wait for something to come to him. He know this has never happened to him before. But this time he can't think of anything and not able to move from there. He got separate with his friends who accompanied him in this trip. Now even though he knows he have to go get along with them in this new country, he doesn't have the heart to move away from there.

The entire scene which he is admiring not so charismatic to attract people. This is the reason why his friends mocked him. This made him get mad but not wish to show it to them as they know and understand his weirdness as they grew up together.Even though they know he is acting weird right from the moment they landed in this country which is not an unusual thing for them. The way he is doing things seemed too weird for them. He is usually a weirdo who acts so reserved and never opened up for others untill he feel comfortable. He has been the top student in his school and every one wants to be his friend or girlfriend. To abstain his nature he never let his guard down. All call him an arrogant by seeing his actions but only his friends understand his true feelings. He has always said that he has been waiting for the only person who can toss his heart as if he knows her in the first sight.

From the very beginning of landing in this country he had a feeling that what he had waited for a long time to happen is going to happen. Today in this little isolated mountain he just doesn't know but this feeling is growing more and more.

While thinking about such a thing he heard a voice from his friends that they are making a move and if he wants he can come with them. But not have a heart to move from the place he asked them to make there move. Due to his weirdness his friends decided not to do it. By giving his space his friends were having fun in a distance but not as much as when they have with this cold face take part.

He tried to distract himself from all the weird thoughts that are going through in his mind and turned.

All of a sudden he got a strong blow in his cheeks which hut like burning.

"Oh my gosh, This girl is done for sure. Come just try to stop him from creating more scene to get this situation worse." one of his close one said.

When approaching near him they just realized that he is not giving any sign out that they used to see whenever someone provoke him. Instead he seemed calm and quiet and listening all that he is hearing.