The Evil Spirit In Wu Family (2)

"Remember, No matter what you see or hear.. You CAN'T tell others.." Ming Yue gave her warning to all of them, she didn't want to expose herself but she couldn't help it this time.

"Bai Hu, return to your beast form and create a protective barrier around the four." Ming Yue ordered.

"Yes, Master." Bai Hu said as he slowly return to his original form and created a barrier around the four people behind Ming Yue.

The five people heard Ming Yue's words and they frowned. However they soon understood and had their jaws dropped when the cat turned into a huge white tiger. The scene that was supposed to exist only in fantasy movie now happened in their own house! More over they heard voice of the tiger echoed in their mind! Truly outrageous!

"Here it comes." Ming Yue said as dark purple fog appeared and a scary being appeared from it. It was a demon with sharp fangs and ruined face. The demon was tall, at least taller than Ming Yue and it has muscular thick arms and legs.