Ming Yue's Greatest Secret

Ming Yue and the twins returned to the Wu house around 7PM. It showed how many hours they spent inside Tianshang De Kongjian. Shi Jian, Fan Mei and Grandpa Wu were in the living room, waiting for them to come and when they saw the group of three entered the living room, they shook their heads.

"Look at these children, they left in the morning and returned when it's dark" Fan Mei said with helpless smile.

Shi Jian let out a soft smile, "Maybe because they have a new sister. It's a good thing for siblings to be close with each other."

Grandpa Wu laughed softly as he didn't say anything. Ming Yue stared at them with tense expression and the twins looked truly nervous. Seeing the three's behavior, Shi Jian frowned slightly as he sensed that something was not right.

"Father.. Mother.. and Grandfather, I have something to tell you.." Ming Yue said as started the conversation. The three adults stared at Ming Yue, waiting for her to speak more.