The Past (1)

"I am Ling Mao from the witch clan!" The cat exclaimed

"The Witch Clan?!" All three people spoke in sync.

Ghosts and evil spirits, heavenly beasts and now witch. Somehow Ming Yue encountered more and more mysteries of the world, yet.. she had a feeling that this was just the tip of the iceberg...

"To think Witch Clan exist.." Lin Zhao spoke, looking stunned.

"Yeah, ever since we know Sister Yue, we meet many of this weird things." Lin Shao agreed.

"Hey, don't talk like that. Doesn't that mean Sister Yue is weird?" Lin Zhao frowned.

"Well, she is right? in a way.."

"I got what you mean but even though she is weird, Sister Yue is cool."

"Well of course, even though she is weird, she is our coolest sister!"

"Can you both stop talking as if I am not here? I don't even know whether you are praising me or dissing me." Ming Yue reprimanded the twins as black lines were over her head.

"We are praising you!" The twins retorted.