Taboo & Retribution (2)

"I heard Xiao Yin's mother was looking for you."

Mo Liu was standing in front of Ming Yue, his arms were on the wall, caging the little girl as they stood at the back yard of school building.

Now how could things become like this?

Of course because Ming Yue was dragged away by Mo Liu when she was on her way to training field where her three friends were waiting for her. Ming Yue was permitted by Principal Zhuge to use the training field for two hours only after the school ended. There she could train Ming Ran, Yu Wang and Mu Chen.

However on her way, Mo Liu grabbed her hand and dragged her to the back of the school building where student rarely went to ask her that question. Ming Yue who was standing while being caged by Mo Liu, let out a playful smile.

"Are you worried that I got in trouble, Brother Mo?" She asked, there was mirth in her eyes.

"Just answer me, little moon." Mo Liu couldn't help but shook his head inwardly due to this girl's playfulness.