2Nd Stage Of Yueliang Hua, 'Twin Moon In Snow Fall'

(Battle Theme : Epica - Illusive Consensus.)

At the rooftop..

Shen Yu who was standing at the center of a rooftop, frowned. The entire school area had been transported to shadow land, from this place she could even hear the scream. At first she was delighted, it meant the first stage of the plan was succeeded. However as she started the second enchantment, lighting the burner incense and waiting for the blood to be accumulated, Shen Lu didn't see any reaction to the incense burner.

She could hear the screams but why there was no blood? Her mind started to race, thinking the possibility. However the answer came up right away from the floors beneath her, a supreme being.. no.. not just one but there were four! Four supreme beings could be sensed from down below. Just a mere display of their powers, sent shivers down Shen Yu's spine. Her skin covered with goosebumps, tingling all over to her scalp. In that moment, Shen Yu realized that the plan had failed. SHE had failed.