Six Moon Chambers

It was the third day that Ming Yue got from school. After returning from shopping, Ming Yue spent most of her time in Tianshang De Kongjian. She used it mostly for cultivating, learning qinggong from Qing Long and learning medicine and acupuncture from Xuan Wu. Except for lunch and dinner, Ming Yue wouldn't come out of her room. This behavior of course made the maids and head butler frowned in suspicion but they couldn't say anything because the Wu family didn't say anything.

Of course the Wu family didn't say anything. They knew that Ming Yue was busy in Heavenly Space and if they needed to ask her something, they would call or text her if it was important. The Wu family knew that Ming Yue was cultivating to be stronger because of the demon man she met at the mall.

"So there are several methods to classify ancient medicinal." Ming Yue spoke while standing next to Xuan Wu.