Our First Meet

21st May, 2015

Marie's POV

I stood at the gate of his door. I was extremely scared. I don't know why. Or maybe I was nervous. Huhh, I don't know!!

I knocked the door slowly. "Come in" a deep serious voice came, which made shivers pass through my body.

I slowly opened the door and went inside. He was sitting on the sofa, and working on his laptop. As I entered, his gaze shifted slowly towards me.

As we made an eye contact, I was kind of lost in him.

For a moment, I forgot about his personality. I just saw him. He was so handsome in person. I was extremely shocked to remember that I'm gonna be his wife.

He was also not moving a little, which was yet another big reason for me to not taking my eyes off him.

I came back to my senses when I heard his coughing.

It was so awkward now!

"H-hi" I said, trying my best to reduce the awkwardness, mixed with the air, spread in every corner of the room.