The Substitute


"W-Wife?" I stuttered to say. My heart began to race. Please, don't take back what he said.

Dylan raised an eyebrow as if to say there was nothing wrong with what he said. "What? You're my wife, aren't you?"

"I know, but-"

"Too Dramatic. Let’s go!" I sent him towing until we stopped in front of the jetski.

He turned to me and his eyes look down at my dress. He turned me to him and touched the jacket that was covering me. I wanted to protest but at the speed of events, he immediately removed my jacket.

"Let's get rid of this. Yeah... That's better." He smiled foolishly. I blushed. I felt ashamed because I was only wearing a black two-piece.

My hair stood on end as he gently caressed my arm. I was so close to his shoulder when he began to wrap one hand around my waist.

I bit my lower lip. "Dylan .."

He took a deep breath and moved away from me. I felt cold when he removed his arms. he sat on the jetski and tapped the seat in front of it. "Here you are."

"I'm just behind."

he touched my hand. "You're here so you don't fall in case I drift." I was about to die from the beating of my chest. I rode in front of it. I closed my eyes tightly when his lips touched the tip of my ear. "Good girl. Now, bend."

"What ?! Heck, no!" I slapped his arm blocking my descent. "Get off --- Ah!"

Suddenly he started the jetski, I had nothing else to cling to but his neck. I heard his weak laugh.

I just closed my eyes out of fear. Until I felt the jetski no longer work.

"Why aren't we moving?" I ask.

"Look at me, Luna. Don't be scared. I'm with you." he whispered in my ear and I also felt its two hands on the side of my waist.

With his gentle voice, I did what he said. I looked up and saw that we were far from the shore, there were also many jetskiing but it seemed like the sea was wide because it was rare for a jetski to pass by our place. I loosened my arms around his neck and slowly walked away. I looked at his eyes. It smiled and pressed our foreheads together.

He mouthed 'good girl' while caressing my waist.

"Turn around." I was indignant at his command. He grinned. "Come on."

My back is now facing him. I tried my very best to breathe normally because, damn it, he's too damn close. I can feel his hot body pressing on my back, his abs' rubbing my body. He held the back of my palm and placed it on the steering wheel of the jetski. D-amn, even his palm is hot!

"I'll teach you how to run a jetski." He whispered to me. I could do nothing but nod.

I tried to concentrate on everything he said. I tried to bury his teaching in my mind. But every time his lipsticks to my shoulder, I can't help but sneer in my mind. Fvck! He's torturing me!

"Drive. Now." I followed him. I started to open the jetski. His arm wrapped around my waist. He pulled my hair to one side which was being blown by the wind and then pressed his head against my shoulder. "Fast learner."

I lost concentration because of what he did. I didn't notice another jetski coming. I was shocked by the drift. I screamed when I felt water all over my body.

"Dylan!" I shout. I'm having trouble breathing. "Help!"

I wiggled my legs but I still kept sinking. Please, Dylan.

"Dylan !!" Please, someone, save me.

I'm getting tired. I can't breathe anymore.

A familiar arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me. I'm shaking. "You're safe. I'm here, sweetheart."

"Dylan!" I hugged him. I cried like a child on his shoulder. He just kept whispering sweet words in my ear to calm me down. We were in that position for a few minutes. "I thought you weren't me ----"

"Hush now. Stop crying." He caressed my back. I just kept crying. I was scared. I want to stop. I thought Dylan was going to leave me.

It’s funny because somehow I still have value to him.

I moved away a little to see its eyes. "Thank you."

He pressed our foreheads together. I caught his eye dropping to my lips. His face came close to mine. I came to kiss him. When our lips met, he made a little groan. We kissed like there's no tomorrow. His hand went down to my thigh and wrapped it around his waist.

"Can you breathe?" he whispered when our lips parted a little.

I nodded. He kissed me softly again. I feel like a broken crystal that he values.

"You're welcome." He said and kissed me on the forehead.

We swam onto the jetski. He helped me climb. He hugged me as we headed back to shore. Dylan's kiss is different now. It was also shaking when I was rescued earlier. He also seemed very scared. Was he scared when he saw me drowning? Is he afraid of losing me?

We reached the shore. He hurries down and seems anxious. He didn't wait for me anymore. I want to know what he thinks of every kiss he gives me. What is his reason?

He stared at me.

I stared back.

My heart starts to pound again.

"I won't let you leave now. If you do, I'll tie you." It gripped my waist. "You don't like being tied, do you?"

"Do you have a dual personality?" I said. One of its eyebrows rose. I walked away from him. "Sometimes you're playful, sometimes you hate me, and now, you act like I'm important to you! What is it really, Dylan?" I couldn’t help but raise my voice. "You're seriously confusing me!"

"You don't have to understand how I feel. Just remember, you're mine and mine alone. So better stay away from Skyler. When I see you with him, I'll tie you in my bed. And you don't know what I'll do it while you're tied to my bed. "

"You have no right to dictate to me who I will go with. Sky's my best buddy--"

"Best buddy or Fvck buddy?" My eyes widened at what he said. What ?! "Oh, come on, don't act like you're so pure and innocent. I know you're not."

I lived by what he said. How dare he! Enough! I've had enough!

My palm touched his cheek. Immediately the cheek I slapped turned red. "How dare you! 'Don't compare me to you, Dylan! You didn't see me bring a man home to our house!" I pointed at him. I love him but I seriously had enough! "Don't judge my character because you didn't take the time to get to know me! You don't know what I've been through."

I ran to our hotel. I hold back my tears. It is normal to feel two things in one person.

Fortunately, I managed to open the elevator door. I boarded immediately. I saw in my reflection in the mirror, both my cheeks and eyes were red. I soaked myself in the shower, letting the water wash away my tears.

After a few minutes and my tears stopped. I took the towel and wrapped it around myself. I opened the door and was almost slippery when I saw Dylan facing the mirror of our room. I see the whole ocean from there. Its hair and body are wet. Only a towel was draped over his chin.

"You love me, right?" I was startled when he spoke and faced me.

"It doesn't matter. You're not as smart." I don’t care what you say.

he took a deep breath. He approached where I was. I could smell the aftershave it used. My grip tightened on the knot of the towel.

He pressed our foreheads together. He touched the bottom of my eye which to this day is still puffy.

"Dylan, I don't want to. That's enough." I have a hard time saying. I tried to break away from him but he hugged my waist.

He shook his head. He buried his face in me. "I'm a broken man. When Camille left, she took my heart with her."

"She did."

"I became a beast. A cruel man. I've hurt you."

"You did."

"But you still love me despite all the cruel things I've done to you."

I was silent for a moment. "I do."

His index finger caressed the bottom of my lip. "I'm ready now, Luna. Make me forget the pain. Drown me in your love."

I shook. "You said, you'll never love me. Don't force yourself, Dylan."

"Let's give it a try."

"No. Dylan, I don't want to fight. I'm tired of being hurt."

"I'm willing to give up now, Luna. I want to forget everything about her." It says. "I'm sorry for what I'd said, I didn't mean it. I'm just so da-mn confused."

I shook again. He still won't let me go. "How can you forget her if every time you look at me, she's the one you see?"

"I already told you. I've never seen you as her substitute." He gently said "I can't understand myself anymore, Luna. Every time you're with Skyler, I feel like I'm crazy. I feel scared that you might leave me as he did. I used to hate you because you might be the one who pushed Camille to leave me, but I'm clear now. It took me months, I'm so sorry. "

"We're both victims here, Dylan."

"Yes. But I'm stupid because I did those things to you. I know you were traumatized by what happened when I brought my friends home. It was too much. I'm sorry. I tried to apologize to you that night but you won't open the door. And I tried to thank you for taking care of me when I was sick, but I got mad because I saw you leaving. Will you forgive me and give this marriage a try? "

He sounds so sincere.

I took a deep breath. "Okay."