Chapter 9: Phase 2

Mr Nova’s POV

I woke up by my desk in a cold sweat. It was still dark outside so I checked my watch. 2am. The page she had written on had absorbed some of my drool. I wiped my mouth and placed the page safely at the back of my journal.

That was the first time I had dreamt of Alveera Rose. Now she had even entered my subconscious mind. I remember it was such a calm experience but I felt like I had just awoken from a nightmare. My heart was racing and I felt anxious. To this day, scientists could not explain why we dream.

The threat simulation theory suggests that dreaming could be seen as an ancient biological defence mechanism. This would simulate potential threatening events and enhance the neuro-cognitive mechanisms required. Basically, in simple words, it allows you to be prepared for that situation if it were to occur in real life.

That was just one of the theories, but it seemed to make sense.

I shook my head. Focus Taylen, go take a shower and get started on phase 2 of Tanencha. I scold myself and did exactly that.

The warm water massaged my tight neck and shoulder muscles. I did not recommend falling asleep on a desk. I quickly finished up and put on a clean pair of clothes.

"Right," I stated and sat down. I grabbed my newest journal and plotted down points I had realised about the equipment. I also started planning how my team would conduct the power issue.

Different scientific studies on lightning, storms and any sort of power were sprawled over my bedroom floor. I had an idea and a plan. It was already 10am when I checked the time. I was late for the meeting with my team. I grabbed a pile of books and rushed out of my apartment.

Time flew by as I ran over to the office we used as a gathering.

"Sorry, sorry! Yes, I'm 7 minutes late." I heaved and placed down the books on a table. The pile tumbled over and a few fell on the floor but I didn't even care.

"Sir are you okay?" Alveera asked. I looked in her direction and took a second to calm down my breathing. Today she had her hair tied into a messy bun and her glasses made her look adorable. Taylen! Focus!

"Right, yes," I said out loud and snapped back to reality. "I know the test run failed. We all watched it fail... but the point is, it was just a test run. We are going to have many more fails. I would rather have failed than face catastrophic consequences." I explained and quickly grabbed my journal from the floor. I opened it to my notes on the power failure.

"We need more power. Electricity will never be enough, we are trying to break through dimensions here. I propose we use the voltage from a lightning bolt." I stated and looked around the room. Everyone seemed confused.

"Mr Nova, how do you propose we achieve that?" Gazala Ndebele confidently asked. She specialized in health and safety, and also had a degree in climatology.

"Miss Gazala, yes just the person I had in mind!" I exclaimed and handed her my journal to read. "Second major issue, atmosphere pressure. We have already tried operating in a pressure chamber according to Boyle's Law." I grabbed a blue marker and wrote p.v=k on the whiteboard in the room.

"But this was never enough as the machine refused to switch on. This is why the storm worked, there was a large enough surface area. Then I had a breakthrough!" I grabbed another book and opened it to where my notes were scribbled. "This constant was never accurate. For Boyle's Law temperature had to also be a constant, which in this case it was not. Tanencha requires the temperature to decrease, reach a turning point then increase again." I shoved this book into a teammates hands and grabbed another journal. "Pressure and temperature will always be constant. We need to break that directly proportional relationship."

"Okay say we theoretically achieve this," Matthew finally stated and grabbed a black marker. He wrote an equation on the board then turned around, "Does anyone have a calculator?"

"Give that to me," Vivian snapped and grabbed the marker from Matthew. She was an excellent mathematician and quickly solved the equation.

"Just as I predicted. Thank you, Vivian." Matthew smiled as she wrote down the solution.

"That would theoretically work." Another teammate added and the rest of the team nodded.

"The plan you have proposed regarding power seems to make sense on paper," Gazala responded and took my marker. She rewrote my calculations onto the board for the rest of the team to see. "This could work."

"Don't get too excited. Please everyone can we sit down for a minute." I asked and everyone returned to their seats around the massive table. "Tanencha was given a period of 5 years to conduct, 3 have already been used. A few of you here have families that joined you in New Zealand but some still have families waiting for them back at home. If we decide to proceed, this project needs to be extended to another 5 excluding the 2 years we have left. That means your contracts will be extended to 2027." I paused.

I knew I had to let some of them go, sometimes family is more important than work. I haven't seen my parents for years and I regret not being able to go visit them. Work had become my everything but I didn't want the team to feel forced into doing the same.

"If you wish, then you may leave now. I will still pay your income as stated in the contract until the end of next year. I would rather keep the team that will be here all the way through than to have some of you go once the contract expires. So, if you cannot proceed please stand up and kindly walk out the door." I sympathetically stated. The room remained silent as we waited for anyone to leave. Aleevra stood up and my heart broke. I didn't want her to leave, but perhaps it was for the best.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere! I just want to pick up those books, they are annoying me." She replied and a smile was plastered onto her face. A breath of relief left my mouth and the team burst into laughter.

"Well then team, welcome to phase 2!" I excited remarked.