Chapter 26: No results

The whole night was filled with tossing and turning. I didn't want to fall back into a deep sleep and start dreaming again. At around 5am I decided to wake up. I made myself some coffee and got back into rewriting Tanencha from my memory. I was productive and got about a fifth down. It was about 7:30 am when I stopped at Taylen's door and listened if he was awake. No sound came from the room so I knocked on his door.

"Yes?" He sleepily asked and opened the door. He was still in his pyjamas and rubbed his eyes after a yawn. He had just woken up.

"It's already 7:30. Get yourself ready." I stated and his eyes widen.

"Snap!" He replied and quickly turned around. I laughed and listened by Prince Tay's door next. I could hear the shower so at least he was awake. I walked over to Cuore's room and heard the TV was on. I knocked then called, "It's Mr Nova. Can I come in?"