Chapter 6

Aveline was trying very hard to concentrate on the files on her desk ,but the task seems impossible.

She was feeling extremely uncomfortable with all the stares and envious glares she was receiving from her female co workers

What is there to be envious??

Only if they knew how life with Zayed Ahmed would be!

They would be running for the hills, if they so much as get a slight hint on how her short lived marriage was to Zayed was.

They should consider themselves lucky, Ava mused...

"So you are the lucky lot winner" Ava looked up to see Alexis looking at her with amusement.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Ava feigned ignorance.

"Ofcourse you have no idea that Mr Ahmed had a special interest in you. Neither do you have any idea that his sole focus during the entire meeting was on you. Nor do you have any idea that you were extremely squirmy and fidgety during the meeting" Alexis said teasingly

"Fine. Point taken" Ava said with a resigned sigh

"So, what are you going to do about the boss's interest in you??" Alexis asked excitedly.

"I'm not going to do anything. I'm working in the second floor and he works in the top floor. There will be no reason for us to cross our paths. And even if , by any chance I happen to be in his way, I will make sure to avoid him" Ava said coolly

"Aww. Your plan would have worked if you are working in the second floor. But unfortunately ,you have been transferred to the top floor. You just got promoted to work in the boss's team" Alexis said and Ava looked up at her in horror.

"Why the hell would he do such a thing??" Ava whisper yelled, her heart making a tattoo against her ribcage.

What the hell is he upto? Is he hell bent on making her life miserable again?

"Maybe to get to know you better" Alexis mused

Ava felt a mirthless laughter bubble up in her

When he had the chance, he didn't want to know her. And now he wants to??

What a joke!

"I just joined a month back!! I can't just be promoted like that" Ava argued.

"You are the first person to argue when you are promoted, Ava"

"Does everyone knows??" Ava asked looking around her, to see her still receiving the envious glares.

"Words spread faster than forest fire Ava!!"

"That explains the chilling looks I'm getting" Ava sighed

By noon she was sitting in her new cabin in the top floor very near to Zayed's cabin.

Why is he doing this?? He hates her!! Doesn't he?? So why couldn't he just leave her alone

"Are you comfortable Ms Dupont" a tall beautiful and elegant woman who had come with Zayed asked

"Yes, Ms - ??" Ava trailed off not knowing the lady's name

"Ms Patel. But you can call me Ameya" the woman said and Ava's eyes widened in surprise.

Ameya Patel?? Why does the name sound so familiar, Ava wondered

And then a vague memory resurfaced. Tariq had once told her about a girl who once tried to con Zayed.

And the name he mentioned was something similar to this.

Tariq had been trying to explain to her why Zayed has trust issues. That Zayed has had his trust broken multiple times in his life.

And Ameya Patel is one woman who broke his trust?

No she can't be?? If she is ,would Zayed give her job??

"Thank-you Ameya. And yeah, you can call me Ava" she said giving a warm smile to the woman who may or may not be someone from her husband's ,no ,ex husband's past!!

"If you need anything, you can tell me" Ameya said

"Sure" Ava nodded with a smile and Ameya left.

During all these hustle bustle in the office and meeting Zayed after six long years, Ava forgot the major issue she had to take care of.

What if Zayed meets her kids.

No. She can't allow that.

Her kids are hers alone.

There is no way she would allow Zayed anywhere near her kids.

But doesn't he deserves to know about the kids. Or more precisely doesn't the kids deserve a father ,he heart whispered

No, some fathers are not worth having!! Her brain screamed

"Ava" Ameya came in again.

"Yes Ameya"

"Zayed ,I mean Mr Ahmed wants you in his cabin now" Ameya said

Zayed ,Ava mused.

So they are on first name basis. What exactly is the relationship between them

A bolt of jealousy rushed through her veins

"Ava? Hurry okay" Ameya said and left

"What does he want from me??" Ava talked out to herself

Zayed was going through an important file, reading the same line again and again.

All he could think about was Aveline

What has come over him. Why did he transfer her to his floor?

"Come in" he said as he heard the soft knock on his door.

The door opened and in walked his Aveline. No! Not his Aveline!!

"Your Highness?? You asked for me??" She asked

"Your higness?? Why the formalities Aveline. After all, we were very intimate in the past, weren't we??" He asked with a smirk and felt extremely satisfied with the catch in her breathing pattern.

"What do you want??" She asked warily.

"Really?? You are ready to give me anything I want??" He asked huskily, relaxing in his chair.

"Yes. As far as it is professional" she said glaring at him

"Ofcourse. Professional! That's what I meant!!" He said shrugging.

"You didn't tell me why I'm here"

"As you know, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. We need many new deals to promote the company profits" he said and she nodded.

"So we have a business meeting in India day after tomorrow with the Malhotras. And we need you to accompany us ,that's me and Ameya, on this business trip" he said.

He had purposely mentioned Ameya's name hoping to make her jealous and he was very satisfied with his success, as he saw the angry flare in her eyes.

"But I'm a trainee here. Why would you need me there for the meeting"

"You are qualified Aveline! Top scorer of the batch with a degree in economics from London university. And with an experience certificate from two best companies in London!!" He said

"But it's short notice. For the meeting day after tomorrow we will have to leave tomorrow. I'm not prepared" she said panicking at thought of having to leave her kids

"Oh. We are not leaving tomorrow. We are leaving today evening" he said with a smirk and she looked at him in horror.

"Why today?? The meeting is not tomorrow" she said

"But it takes time for preparations Aveline" he said with a cunning smile.

"But ,I can't just up and leave. I have commitments" she said panicking.

Why the hell is she panicking?? He wondered.

"What commitments??" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Personal commitments Mr Ahmed" she said with a calm face which further infuriated him.

"Be ready by 6 in the evening. Give me your address and I will pick you up there" he said to which she immediately shook her head in no.

"No Mr Ahmed!! I will meet you here in the office" she said which increased his suspicion.

Is she hiding something?? Why does she not want him come to her house!!

Or is it someone she is trying to hide? Zayed thought darkly

"Fine" Zayed breathed out through gritted teeth

Ava wondered what is going through Zayed's mind.

He is up to something. She could feel it in her bones.

She immediately called Victor and Lizzy to let them know about the sudden business trip and asked whether the kids could stay with them for a few days.

She purposely avoided mention Zayed's name because she knew Lizzy would worry on her behalf and Victor might come over and throw a few punches.

Not something she particularly wants to happen. She wants to keep her personal life as far away from Zayed as possible.