Chapter 10

"Play the part well Mrs Ahmed. We don't want them to be suspicious, now do we??"

She stiffened when his lips touched her earlobe and the memories of their one night of love flashed in her brain.

The heat of the memory crept up her cheeks and by the time he withdrew she was blushing to the roots and the smirk on his face told her he knows what exactly she was thinking.

She cursed herself for being so vulnerable where Zayed was concerned.

Hadn't she learned her lesson yet!!!

As they walked towards the little cottage home, hand in hand, Ava's heart was pounding and she was pretty damn sure Zayed could here the sound of it.

"Hello. I'm Balraj Rao" the old man introduced folding his hands, which is the traditional Indian way of saying hello. Ava returned the gesture.

"Zayed Ahmed Al Zidra. This is my wife Aveline Ahmed" Zayed introduced them to the old man

Wife!! Wife!! Wife!!

Never once in their eight months of marriage, did he introduce her as his wife.

He was ashamed of her back then.

He felt she wasn't worthy of him.

And she did everything in her power to make herself worthy of him.

Where did that end??

In accusations of infidelity!!!

Her chest tightened at the remembered pain which hasn't healed yet.

Which wasn't going to heal in this life time.

"Something wrong??" Zayed asked a frown marring his brows.

She blinked her eyes willing back the tears threatening to flow.

She had promised herself to not cry over him agai , hadn't she??

Then what the hell is her problem!!

"Nothing" she forced a smile onto her stiff lips, which made his frown deepen!!

"This is my wife Sarala" the old man introduced making her realise they were already inside the house.

After the greetings they were shown a little room with attached bathroom which was something very rare in the locality, as said by the old man proudly.

After placing the luggage inside the room, the elderly couple left them to freshen up and rest.

She heard Zayed's phone ringing.

"Yes Ameya" he answered the call and Ava stiffened.

Why the hell is she jealous??

He can be with any woman he wants. He is no longer her husband. And she shouldn't feel so possessive.

She no longer loves him.

No. She don't. Right??

Then why is her chest burning at the mere thought of him with another woman.

"No. We are fine. You guys go ahead. Don't wait up for us. - No. It's okay Ameya .-You can check in once you reach the resort- We will join you shortly." he said and hung up....

"I will freshen up first" he said and she simply nodded.

She laid on the bed and thought of waiting till he comes out. She didn't realise when sleep took over her.

Next time she opened her eyes, sunlight filled the room blinding her for a moment.

She blinked twice and opened her eyes and saw Zayed sitting next to her on the bed working on his laptop.

She jerked away from him as if the close proximity is burning her. It indeed is burning her.

Because she is getting all hot and bothered in his presence. Why did he have to still look handsome even after 6 years. Why couldn't he have formed a pot belly. Or why couldn't he go bald in the last six years.!!

"Good morning wifey" he said with a smirk which says he knows what she is thinking about.

"What time is it??" She asked trying to divert her attention....

"It's 6.30. You might as well take a shower and get ready. So that we can get going once the road is cleared" he said

He paused for a moment and continued with a smirk.

"Only if you don't want to spend some quality time with your husband inside this little room. On this very bed"

Ava was shaking by now!!

Because of anger. Nothing else, she told herself.

"I will take a shower" she said through clenched teeth.

He is trying to get under her skin!!

He gets immense satisfaction in irritating her. She knows it. But she still couldn't control her reaction to him!

Zayed smirked immensely satisfied by Aveline's discomfort....

Oh, how much he is enjoying this trip...!!

He looked up when the washroom door opened and Aveline stepped out wearing a midnight blue tunic, the color enhanced her fair complexion. At the sight of the water dripping from her hair his blood started fizzing.

Six years, and he still thought her the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

And under the tunic? Would she still be as perfect as he remembered? Would she still feel as satin-skinned in his hands? Would she still melt into his touch as if she was part of him?

She was now standing in front of the mirror. Her back to him and was trying to tie the knots of her tunic at the back

She was wearing a low backed tunic as she always liked and her bare back with droplets of water clinging onto her satin like skin was doing things to him which he had no control of.

He got up from the bed and walked towards her as if in a trance. And their eyes met in the mirror. Her hands stilled in whatever she was doing. He could see her labored breathing and all logic flew out the window.

All he could think of was touching her.

He raised his hands and traced a finger up from her lower back towards the knot end stitched to the tunic. Without breaking the eye contact, he took the knot in his hands and her hands fell on either side and he could see her clutching tightly on to her tunic.

He slowly, very slowly tied the knot without breaking the skin to skin contact.

They were brought out of whatever magical world they were in by a soft knock on the door.

They jerked apart immediately and he could see the glazed look in Aveline's eyes. As if she couldn't understand what has just happened.

Could he blame her?? When he himself have no idea what just happened.

He cleared his throat and moved to open the door.

There stood Sarala, the elderly woman with a warm smile on her face.

"Breakfast is ready" she said and invited them to the dining table.

"We will be there. Just a minute" Zayed said.