Chapter 12

By the time they reached the Delhi resort where they are booked in ,the next morning , Ava was too impatient to check in so that she could catch a glimpse of her babies before they are down for their afternoon nap

Oh how much she missed her babies.

"Good morning Zayed. Good morning Ava" Ava looked up to see Ameya greeting them with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Good morning" they both replied in a chorus

"The meeting with Mr Karan Malhotra is scheduled at ten. You only have time to freshen up" Ameya said glancing at her wrist watch

"That's great. Come, let's go get our key" Zayed said and the three of them walked up towards the receptionist, where they were handed only one set of key card.

Ava frowned at that because, Zayed seemed totally cool at that, as if he didn't expect another set of keys. It was Ameya who finally decided to ask for her set of keys.

"What about Ava's accommodation" Ameya asked and the receptionist frowned in confusion

"There were only two bookings Ma'am. One for Ms Patel and one for Mr Ahmed" she said after checking the system once more

"How is that possible?? Who made the arrangements??" Ava asked

"Well. I was supposed to make the arrangements. But as I was little busy with a project of Ahmed Industries, Zayed said he would make the arrangements" Ameya said frowning at Zayed

"Well. It might have slipped my mind at the time." Zayed drawled lazily with a shrug of his broad shoulders.

"What am I supposed to do now" Ava asked exasperated, as she very well knows Zayed would go to any length to make her suffer.

"It's okay Ava. You can share the room with me. It is quite spacious" Ameya said smiling at her and Ava felt relieved.

"Thank-you so much Ameya"

"No" Zayed ground out making both the women frown at him.

"I don't want any of my employees making any sort of adjustments. There is a guest room in my suite. Ms Dupont can use that" he said in a tone which demanded absolute acceptance.

"But I'm okay with sharing my room with Ava" Ameya said frowning at her employer's unreasonable behavior where Ava is concerned.

"Who is the boss Ms Patel??" He asked and Ameya's spine stiffened in response to that.

"I'm sorry sire" she said

"Now Ava. Come, let's go to our suite" he said with a devilish smirk adorning his handsome face.

As soon as Ava entered the guest room she dialled Lizzy's number and asked her to connect the video call so she could see her little bunnies before they are off for their evening nap.

As the video call came active she saw her babies sitting on the dining table, still in their uniforms, munching on fruits.

"Mummaa" there was an excited squeal coming from the other side which brought tears to her eyes.

Two days!! Two days without her babies felt like two decades.

"How are you pumpkins" she asked

"Miss you Mommaa" Zian and Zada cried out

"What about you Zahir??" She asked and he just shrugged.

Ofcourse he wouldn't say that in front of his siblings. He would only say that when he doesn't have an audience.

"Miss you too babies" she said when she didn't get a response from Zahir.

"When will you come back" Zada asked

"Two more days sweetie"

She could see Zahir sneaking up on Zada's plate for more fruits.

"Zahir. No, you can't eat your sister's fruits. And no it doesn't count even if you are triplets" she said sternly and Zahir made a face at that.

That's his favorite excuse. Triplets excuse.

He takes whatever he likes from his brother or sister and says it's okay because they are triplets. Like seriously??

"Zian, you can't hide your fruits in your pockets. You did that last week and forgot about them. I found them when I was doing the laundry and it was disgusting."

She almost rolled her eyes when her five year old boys laughed delightedly at rotting fruit in their jeans pockets.

Were all boys fascinated by anything disgusting? Or were hers just abnormally enthralled?

"Momma do I look beautiful today??" Zada asked bringing her focus back to her daughter. She did a little twirl around, in front of the phone.

"You always look beautiful sweetie" she said smiling at her daughter.

"Do I look like a princess??" She asked looking down at her uniform.

"Ofcourse princess"

"Aaron said I look like a real princess" Zada said blushing and Ava's eyes widened in surprise

Is her little girl having a crush.

And Aaron?? Isn't he the little boy who pulled her hair on the first day..

"Why are you talking to him?? He pulled your hair remember??" Zian asked making a face at the mention of Aaron and Zada pouted.

"They don't like him mumma" Zada whispered coming closer to the phone.

And she wondered why girls always have a soft corner for their tormentors.

Zada is a little princess.

She likes dressing up like princesses do. She likes bright colored dresses, matching accessories, shoes. She is a very strong little girl and she loves naming all her dolls. She even has the power to control Zahir at times, and that speaks volumes. Doesn't it?

She glanced back and found two dark haired heads bent close. As much as she loved her little boys, that pose was never good.

And she'd learned the hard way that silence was bad.

Generally, very very bad.

"Zahir, Zian" she called out and waited until she had their full attention.

When they looked up, the guilt in their eyes told her she'd caught them doing something wrong, but the trick was figuring out what that "something" might be.

Had it already occurred?

Or was their mischief imminent?

She had to maintain a straight face under these circumstances, otherwise, they would consider her humor as sign of encouragement in whatever they had planned.

All she could hope, being miles away, from the trouble makers, was it has nothing to do with Zada's comment on Aaron calling her a princess.

"Now give momma kissie so she can go to work" she said and they all ran to the phone and kissed on the screen making her chuckle.

"Momma will call you at night okay" she said

"Love you mumma"

"Love you too" she said at the same time the door to her room opened and Zayed walked in.

The tautness of his face told her that he didn't like whatever he heard.