Chapter 26

Ava felt something poke her in the back, but she was too comfortable to wake up enough to figure out what it was. But when something poked her head, she couldn't ignore it any longer.

"Aveline" she heard a deep, masculine whisper.

Instead of responding, she snuggled deeper. Rocky and Bruno the two dogs couldn't talk and Maggie the cat, even if she could, wouldn't do it this early in the morning. She was fairly certain her logic was right but was still too tired to figure it out.

"Aveline, wake up."

"No" she told maggie and pulled the pillow closer. Why was her pillow so hard? But it was warm. That was the only thing that mattered now. Her feet were cold though. She shifted, pushing her feet under what she thought was a blanket.

The hiss in her ear didn't make sense and it woke her up a bit more from her stupor.

"Damn woman, your feet are cold" Zayed whispered.