Chapter 37

Zayed rushed into the palace and saw Aveline, crying her heart out.

He saw that his sister in law Camille, had her arms wrapped around Aveline.

"Zayed" he could hear the relief in his sister in law's voice as soon as she spotted him

He hurried towards them and pulled a crying Aveline into his arms. For once, she didn't protest.

"Aveline, don't panic, love. We will find them" Zayed vowed

"I want to see them. Now. Please Zayed. Take me to my babies" Aveline begged.

"I will love." He promised and saw his brothers hurrying towards them.

Salim summoned the security team head.

"Hyder. Speak" Salim commanded and the security team head started telling them what he found so far.

"From what we could find so far, the kids were taken to the east wing exit side. That part of the palace is always deserted." Hyder said

"And?" Zayed prompted.