Chapter 62

A couple of months later, The Ahmed Palace was decked up like a bride for the their national day celebrations

The Ahmed brothers did the main prayer together as usual.

"Let the bond only get stronger, touchwood," Fatima, their grandmother, said, warding off any evil eyes with a hand gesture.

After the brothers did the aarti, Zayed and Basim stepped back so that their sister in law and Salim could do the prayer.

No matter what, Salim and Camille will always do it together first. They aren't going to change that tradition to please anybody.

"Zayed, please hold Anya for a moment" Camille said, handing over her one month old precious bundle to Zayed who took her happily.

"Awwlee Is uncle's cutie pie awake?? Are you bored?? Don't worry, you will have a little brother or sister to play with and boss around soon" Zayed said cuddling the baby closer.

Once Salim and Camille did the prayer, Salim took his daughter from Zayed and cuddled her closer.