Chapter 4

Drishti stared at the haveli through her veil in awe

It felt as if she had stepped back into eighteenth century

The place looks like royalty

Oh yes!! She is married now to a man she didn't know from the Adam

She didn't even ask for his name??

How could she?? Everything happened in a blur

And yet that one moment when their eyes met. When he had lifted the veil to apply sindoor on her

God!! She could still feel the sizzle of that moment

"Kiara beta. Come sit here. We will do the mooh dikhaayi ceremony first as we all still haven't seen your face. Sorry beta ,the function is small and there are only family here. It happened all of a sudden. I promise we will arrange a grand reception for you guys in a day or two" Anuradha Maheswari said to her new daughter in law

Drishti held back a hysterical giggle from coming out


She would be lucky if they didn't throw her into a dungeon in this haveli when they realise they have been duped.

She was pretty darn sure there is a dungeon somewhere in this haveli

Look at her luck ,her parents are out of country and even they couldn't come to her immediate rescue

Dear Lord!! Her parents

What's she going to tell to her parents?

Hello Paa ,hello Maa. How are you?? How's Europe?? Are you guys having a wonderful time there?? What about Damini?? Oh by the way ,did I mention that I got married today.....

Wah!! Drishti Wah!!

Shravan stared at his bride who was sitting stiffly in the couch

Her emerald green eyes imprinted in his vision like a tattoo...

Why didn't his grandfather tell him that his bride has the prettiest eyes one could have

Like really Shravan?? You expect your grandfather to tell you something like that considering the situation

He heard his mother talking about mooh dikhaayi ceremony

Finally, he could see her face clearly

His mother tried to lift the veil and his bride immediately held onto it

Is she shy??

That must be it.

"Its okay beta. We are family. You don't have anything to worry about" His mother said and gently pried her grip from the veil and lifted it and all breath left his lungs

If her eyes are beautiful ,her face is gorgeous

Emerald green eyes , cupid's bow mouth ,button nose

Okay Shravan. That's enough. Stop staring like a creep

He heard a gasp and turned to see his grandfather looking at his bride in disbelief?? Horror?? Confusion??

What's wrong now??

"Who are you?? " Tej Maheswari asked and his bride smiled sheepishly and two dimples formed on either side of her cheeks

"Hello.. " she raised her hands in a small wave and endowed them with a heartblinding smile

"Who are you girl?? " his grandfather asked again making them all frown

"Papa ji. It's Kiara. You told us you know her very well" Anuradha said in confusion

"This is not Kiara" his grandfather announced and it was their turn to look in horror

"What do you mean by it's not Kiara. Then who the hell is she??"

"That's what I'm asking boy"

"I'm Drishti" came the voice from the couch

"Drishti who??"

"Drishti me??" She asked with a frown

"Where is my bride?" He asked in exaserpation

"That would be me" she again said raising her hand

"My bride was supposed to be some Kiara"

"Kiara bhabhi is someone else's bride now" she said shrugging

"Bhabhi?? She's your bhabhi??" Shravan asked

"Oh yes. By now she must be officially my bhabhi"

"Wait a second. Are you saying that Kiara ran away from the wedding??" Shravan asked

"Ofcourse No. She would never do that"

"Then how did she become your bhabhi"

"We kidnapped her" she said with a shrug

"Kidnap??? What about the groom?? He also ran away" Shravan asked in horror

"Oh! I scared him off" Drishti said

"That's a crime. You kidnapped a girl from her wedding" Tej Maheswari asked in horror

"Dadu. She was in love with Abhi bhaiyya and she agreed to marry the man the orphanage authorities chose for her as a thanks to raising her. We couldn't let that happen. Three lives would have been ruined"

"I'm going to call the police" Tej Maheswari said

"You won't dadu" Drishti said smugly

"And why would you think that?? " Tej asked and Drishti sighed dramatically

"Dadu.. Dadu... Would let your new granddaughter in law be arrested dadu. Would you compromise the honor of the great Maheswari family, the honor I helped you save, by doing that." Drishti asked

"The honor you helped me save??"

"Yes me! Drishti Maheswari. You asked me to marry your grandson to protect your family honor. Remember??"

Shravan stared at the scene unfolding in front of him with growing bewilderment

This chit of a girl is arguing with his grandfather.

No one dares to talk back to Tej Maheswari

"Drishti Maheswari??" Tej asked in disbelief

"Ofcourse I'm married to your grandson. That makes me a Maheswari up until our annulment" Drishti said and that caught everyone's attention

"What annulment??" Anuradha asked in horror

"Aunty, that's the logical step forward" Drishti said

"There have never been a divorce in Maheswari Family. And its not going to happen anytime soon" Tej Maheswari said, all thoughts of calling the cops flying out of his head

"That's archaic. It's twenty first century. Divorces are common" Drishti argued not liking the old man's mentality

"I can't believe this. I can't believe you are arguing with me. Me!! The Tej Maheswari"

"Perfect Wife. Perfect daughter in law. Sweet calm and matured girl" Shravan repeated his grandfather's words taunting the man

"Shravan" Tej hissed

"Heyy Shravan. Nice name" Drishti said earning a look of disbelief in return

"Dadu. Deal with it. It was your decision. I'm out of here" Shravan said walking to his room determined to leave to Bangalore as quick as possible

So much for giving cent percent into this marriage. Haa!! What did you think Shravan. That you are some Prince charming, some sort of knight in shining armor to swoop in and rescue a damsel in distress


Bhai/Bhaiyya/Anna - elder brother

Bhabhi - sister in law

Di - Elder sister

Ji - a suffix used as a sign of respect while addressing someone

Dadu - grandfather