Chapter 20

Shravan woke up at the steady knock on the door. He stood up from the couch and stretched to relieve his muscles.

He looked at the bed and saw Drishti sleeping peacefully snuggling against the fluffly pillow.

It could have been you ,a voice in his head reminded him

He heard the knock again. It was 7.30 in the morning.

Damn!! He is late

He opened the door to find Abhay's mom.

"Goodmorning aunty" Shravan wished

"Goodmorning Shravan. Where is Drishti??"

"She is sleeping"

"She can happily sleep through an earthquake. I will wake her up" Anjana said and walked in to wake Drishti up.

"Drishti. Wake up"

"Mmmmm. Five more minutes" she murmered and snuggled more into her pillow.

"This girl. You can't sleep like this at Shravan's place." Anjana said

Shravan scoffed. She very well can. She has been sleeping like a log all the mornings.

"Drishti get up. Shravan has to go to office."

"I'm not going with him" she again mumbled sleepily