Chapter 71

"Good morning, Sheikh Ahmed al Zidra. Please make yourself comfortable" Shravan said with a polite smile.

"Just call me Basim," the young Sheikh said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Sure. Tea or coffee?" Mithran asked

"Neither. I have heard that there's something called lassi available here. Haven't tried one yet. Didn't know where to get the best one. I would prefer that" Basim said cheerfully

"Sure. We will arrange for the best lassi to be served" Shravan said and informed his assistant to make the necessary arrangements.

"We were informed that Sheikh Zayed Ahmed would be attending the meeting" Mithran asked curiously.

Basim paused for a moment and then raised his eyebrow in query.

"Any problem in discussing the deal with me?" Basim asked

"Of course no. I was just curious" Mithran said with a shrug