Days and weeks passed by without any new dramas.

Though the Maheswari family were first shocked by their daughter’s relationship with Siddharth Agnihotri, slowly they agreed to it.

Tej Maheswari was completely against the relationship, declaring that he wanted a groom for his only granddaughter from Jaipur only. It took hell a lot of persuasion from all sides to convince him. It was finally Drishti and Shreya’s emotional drama that did the job.

Today is the engagement party of Siddharth and Shreya.

Drishti was running around the palace, making sure everything was perfect for her best friend’s engagement with her sister in law.

The engagement party is in full swing, and the garden venue is buzzing with excitement. Drishti, the sister-in-law and best friend, is frantically running around, double-checking every detail to ensure everything is perfect for her sister in law Shreya's engagement with Siddharth, her bestie.