The coronation ceremony began. The Maheshwaris and Yadavs got special attention as they were guests invited by the Sheikh himself.

“This is so grand. Why did India have to be a democratic country? Else we could also have had such festivities in Jaipur.” Drishti said, looking around sadly. Shravan rolled his eyes. His wife is so obsessed with the princess title.

"I, Zayed Ahmed al Zidra, hereby accept my role as the ruling Sheikh of the Sultanate of Zidra. I shall continue to preserve, and build upon the royal legacy and shall reign with righteousness for the benefit and happiness of the people forever." Sheikh Zayed Ahmed al Zidra vowed, as he stood on the podium, with his right palm over his chest and his eyes staring straight ahead at the people of Zidra.

"I invite everyone here to share my determination and work together for the nation’s prosperity and the people’s happiness as the ultimate goals," Zayed added.