Ives ran to their bedroom as fast as he could. Tears were falling from his eyes as he was running. He just wanted to escape from king Raleigh. He was betrayed and lied to so badly by King Raleigh and it was the first time somebody did this to him. It wasn't the fact that king Raeleigh lied to him to make him mad. It was the feeling of betrayal he just couldn't seem to shake. Moreover, it was done by his dearest person made it seem worse. Why?

As soon as Ives entered, he locked the room from inside and lay on the bed as if his body lost all energy. He had never cried like this before. Was it this that his father had been trying to tell all the time? But he himself was so lost in king Raleigh's love that he didn't give any double thoughts to his father's words. King Raleigh and lady Blaine, were meant to be together from the start, he was the one who came in middle. These thoughts were growing him in sorrow and self-hate.