Daily Circumstances

Icterine opens her eyes as the clock nears the time she must be up. Icterine rolls out of her comfortable bed in the Argaron society (cleaners). Black their primary color. She puts on her lavender clothes and makes her way through the small home into the kitchen. 6 is ironing his clothes while cooking breakfast. Icterine rushes towards the kitchen.

“Morning 6,” Icterine says as Major stumbles into the dining room. “Ugh, another day,” Major groans as he looks around their home, “I hope I am not a cleaner when I graduate.” Icterine scoffs, “It’s likely that we will be whatever our parents are.” “Well I am sure none of us want to be where dad is,”6 mentions and everyone goes silent, “eat and get moving. Stop talking about nonsense that you can’t control.” Everyone starts eating silently and then they start to walk towards the Dray train station.

Nicolette and Navy catch up with them, “Hey guys.” They smile politely at them while feeling glum. 4, Nicolette and Navy’s father, calls out to them, “You forgot something!” Icterine, Major and 6 turn back to look at him and see his black eyes, hair and uniform creating a dullness about him even though he is a lively man.

Nicolette and Navy run back to grab whatever he told them to get and then run back so they can get the train with the triplets.

They take the earliest train and arrive at the empty school. They await the arrival of the rest of their friends. The triplets and the twins wait in the big field as it is extremely empty. 6 goes and sits in his classroom until the class starts and he notices that the teacher who revealed the life-changing truths is nowhere to be found.

“He isn’t in a good mood today,” Icterine says to Nicolette while Navy and Major run around the field. “Yeah, I noticed,”Nicolette says honestly, “you all looked gloomy this morning.” “We were just talking about ending up where our parents are,”Icterine says with worry, “I don’t want to end up in prison or in the cleaner community.” “We can’t control that,”Nicolette says sweetly, “if we could then it would be different.” Icterine nods and says, “That’s what he said.”

Nicolette smiles and looks at her friend, “He is just stressed with everything that’s going on right now. Everything that has happened to your friend-group isn’t supposed to happen.” Icterine sighs and nods. Barely an hour passes, the group of friends make their way to their classes while the late group of friends go straight to their classes.

The 9th’s are all assembled into the hall. The class barely fills the hall since the hall is for the entire squirrel population in the school.

“We have decided to hold a competition based on the names of the societies, their colors and their animals,”says one leader.

There are a few leaders around this leader. She stands on the stage and looks into the souls of the young group of students.

“There will be twelve groups which will all consist of ten thousand students. The competition will be done over a couple days where each student in the group will answer twelve questions and everyone will be graded out of one hundred and twenty thousand,”the main leader announces and everyone groans in frustration, “the groups will be chosen at random and no one will know when their turn will be. The competition will end on the sixth month.”

Everyone is escorted out of the hall and they make their way to their classes. Icterine spots Galaxy and Quade walking to their class. She runs so she can meet up with them.

“Hey guys,”Icterine smiles and says happily, “excited for the competition?” “It’s stressful,”Galaxy says with worry etched into her features, “we will be sent our groups soon though.” Icterine nods as they continue walking. “Getting a good grade is vital,”Quade says nervously, “they might add an extra test after the 5th year if we don’t know these details.”

Quade’s phone dings and Galaxy leans over to see the message.

“Sorry Icterine, we have to go,”Quade says and Galaxy follows him without question. Icterine sighs and comes to the realization that her brother has every reason to be afraid of their current circumstances.

Galaxy walks along with Quade and they enter the black car.

“He wants us to study,”Quade says seriously, “he heard about the testing and he needs us to get good scores. He also wants us to do the lessons which we have been putting off.”

Galaxy nods and looks out the window as they drive by the school and many societies so they can, finally, reach their destination. Quade watches her silently and sighs deeply.

They walk into the home and get a notification on their phones.

“I’m group ten,” Quade says, “what about you?” “Eight,”Galaxy says and looks down solemnly. “Is something bothering you?” Quade asks sincerely. “Yeah,”Galaxy says honestly, “what you said.” Quade nods in understanding and smiles sadly, “You know it’s true.” Galaxy nods and smiles half-heartedly.

They sit down in the living room and then they open their books so they can revise in silence. After revising for several hours, they look up at each other and go to school to get a snack.

They both sit down with their drinks and a sandwich each.

“So,”Quade says with a smile, “we have to go through the history of the island.” “They don’t teach that in school,”Galaxy says with a curious look. “It explains why we have all these rules,”Quade says honestly, “and why we live by the motto of ‘Survival of the Fittest’.” Galaxy nods and asks, “I guess I am not allowed to tell anyone else about this detail.” “It’s not going to kill anyone if you do,”Quade says kindly, “that’s why I am allowed to teach it to you.”

Galaxy laughs, “I expect them not to trust me.” Quade nods and laughs along with her. “Long ago, this island used to be used for prisoners,”Quade says seriously, “they escaped the prison and killed the guards.” Galaxy’s eyes widen. “They decided to stay here and create their own world,”Quade says seriously, “they could have a place with their own rules and make it how they wanted.”

“Well,”Galaxy says honestly, “now I understand why we don’t care if someone kills anyone.”

“Exactly,”Quade says proudly, “we all come from those prisoners. We have this world because of them.” “Why do they have such values?”Galaxy asks honestly, “they are bad people.” “Not all of them were killers,”Quade says politely, “they didn’t like the thought of killing family members but made a compromise on other rules.” Galaxy nods in understanding while her brain flies on overload. “I guess I should be happy that we are more civilized than them,”Galaxy says with fear in her eyes. “I agree,” Quade says with happiness. Quade looks at his watch and catches a glimpse of the necklace around Galaxy’s neck.

“I guess we should get you home,”Quade says with a smile. “Yeah,”Galaxy agrees, “I have to sleep so I can ask my friends what group they are in.”

Galaxy goes home and so does Quade. Everyone goes to sleep without thinking about the challenge to come and what it entails.

The next day, everyone arrives at the school at the same time.

6 is called to go and get tested since they seem to be going in alphabetical order. Numbers always come first or last. 6 is asked twelve questions based on the societies.

“You will receive your individual score by the end of the day at the latest,”the leader says politely to the young boy before her.

6 nods and goes back to his class. Everyone looks to him for answers on the fear they should have but he remains neutral and silent. He doesn’t even look at them.

His phone dings and he opens it to find his score. Five out of twelve. He failed if it was an actual test since they need to score a seven out of ten. A seventy out of one hundred and so on.

He sighs deeply which gives everyone the needed information. He just hopes that everyone else’s scores in his group are good enough. The whole group needs to achieve an eighty thousand out of a hundred and twenty thousand to pass the challenge.

Lunch break ensues shortly after. All the friends gather at their spot for lunch.

“Lucky Nicolette and Navy,”6 says with jealousy, “they don’t have to do this junk.” “To be fair,”Nicolette says in her defense, “we did it last year.” “So they do this every year,”Icterine questions. Navy nods with a smile.

“Well I got my individual score,”6 says solemnly, “I failed. I hope my team is better.” Everyone frowns. “I hope I am better too,”Stone says and smiles, “me and 6 are in group seven together.” Everyone nods happily. “Just the question I had,”Galaxy says as she sits down, “I wanted to know everyone’s groups.”

“10,”Quade says with a smile. “I am 8,”Galaxy says and motions for everyone to say theirs. “5,”Icterine mutters. “7,”Stone and 6 say together. “9,”Falcon says. “6,”Major says and pushes his brother playfully.

Galaxy nods and smiles. They all go to their classes.

Falcon is called soon after. He does his twelve questions.

“You will receive your individual score by the end of the day at the latest,”the leader says with pure boredom.

Falcon leaves the room and goes to his next class. He gets his scores soon after. A nine out of twelve.

Galaxy goes in hours later and does her twelve questions. The leader repeats the same mantra with her boredom getting worse by the person.

She receives her score soon after with her score matching Falcon’s.

Another break ensues and they chat about their scores happily. They just hope their fellow partners are just as good.

Icterine is called as soon as the break end’s and then receives her grade. She passes with an eight.

The school day ends but most of the students aren’t done with their grading.

Galaxy rushes to her home. She watches her sister go through the motions.

By the end of the fourth month, all the friends have their grades. Major has the lowest grade of them all. He sighs deeply.

All the students are gathered into the hall on the twelfth day of the fifth month.

Once everyone is seated, the leader tries to silence them.

“We make this competition yearly. We do this because we want you to realize a sad fact. No matter your personal grades or your personal ambition in your society, you may still fail because of others around you and you will have to pay the consequences. Some in your group may have gotten a twelve but still end up being in the failing region,” the leader says honestly and everyone groans, “we will be announcing the scores for each group from the bottom up. Anyone six and below will have to stay afterwards.”

Another leader comes forward with a long list in hand.

“Twelfth is group 6. Eleventh is group 11. Tenth is group 3. Ninth is group 10. Eighth is group 1. Seventh is group 5 and sixth is group 4. These are the failing groups,”the leader announces solemnly, “the passing groups. Fifth is group 9. Fourth is group 7. Third is group 2. First is group 8 and second is group 12.”

All the passing groups leave and are allowed to spend the whole day in the fields while the failing groups will have to be punished with extra classes.

Galaxy smiles happily, “I can’t believe my group is first.” 6, Stone and Falcon smile at her happiness. “I know they are teaching a lesson, but I am glad we aren’t the ones learning it the hard way,”Falcon says honestly. “Our group score was 118, 731 out of 120, 000,”Galaxy says as she beams with happiness. Stone smiles at the pure joy, “Our group got 100, 413.” Falcon says, “I almost learnt the lesson the hard way. My team got 94, 323.” “You wouldn’t have,”Galaxy says honestly, “anything below 80,000 is a fail.”

The days have been going by in a blur. Everyone sighs as they lay on the grassy fields. “I am so glad we have this moment to breathe,” Galaxy says honestly, “the days have been going by so fast since the challenge.” Everyone murmurs a yes.

The day comes to its end. Icterine, Major and Quade come out of the school with a gloomy look. Everyone who failed has a look of utter sadness on their faces.

“Quade?”Galaxy asks with concern, “are you ok?” “Yeah,”Quade says, “my father isn’t going to be ok when he hears about this. He will be proud of you though.” Galaxy smiles with pure happiness at his compliment.

A black car arrives soon after and they enter the car without question. They arrive at the leader’s home after a few minutes.

“Galaxy and Quade,”the leader says curtly. The rest of the family is nowhere to be found. “Congratulations Galaxy,”the leader says with pride, “Quade needs to try harder. Though this isn’t why you are here. We are in the fifth month already so we have begun preparations for the engagement on the twelfth day.” Galaxy and Quade take on terrified features.

“What is there to do?”Galaxy asks seriously. “We need to get the rings,”the leader says, “today.” Quade seems to stir uncomfortably. “We then need to have a party announcing it,”the leader says with a smile, “so we need to invite all the leaders and anyone you may want to invite.” “Can I invite my family and friends?”Galaxy asks politely and the leader nods. “About how many people is that?” the leader asks politely. “Ten people,”Galaxy says with certainty.

Quade smiles at her accuracy and looks to his father for confirmation. The leader nods and writes in down. “Names?”he asks kindly. “Thaddaeus, Isabelle, Legacy, Stone, Falcon, Icterine, Major, 6, Navy and Nicolette,”Galaxy says without missing a beat.

Soon after, they do some preparations for the party and then she takes her leave.

She arrives home and lays down in her bed. She thinks about the utter terror of getting married so young. Getting engaged to marry. Getting married at sixteen with no one to stop it. Even if they hated each other. No one would stop the marriage. The marriage would go on and she would be stuck with someone she hates for eternity.

The days passed quickly, the preparations were made. Everyone received their invitation to the party and everyone was prepared for the day of engagement.

“Are you ready?”Galaxy asks quickly. She made her way to his home on the weekend so that they could discuss their fears. “No,”Quade says honestly, “I don’t think anyone ever is.” “I don’t know how it will be living here,”Galaxy says with fear in her voice, “it’s all too soon. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. What’s expected of me. I feel very unprepared.” Quade can see the panic in her eyes and the fear in her voice, “We will figure it out together. I am flying blind too.”

Galaxy smiles and nods as he holds her hand while they sit in his room.

“I know we will be fine,”Galaxy says happily, “atleast we don’t hate each other.”