Family Day

An alarm blares throughout the country causing the streets empty. The streets are gone dead silent like if a bomb threat arises. Everyone shelters in-place. Those at home stay at home. Everyone hides from the unknown threat.

Stone, Faris, Flute and Siren huddle together. None of them attempt to look out the small window that leads to nothing. Clover runs into the room with tears in her eyes. All the kids are in fear of the danger that is lurking outside their doors. The orphanage is absolutely silent. Silent tears and screams of terror erupt as the sound of vehicles, bangs at intervals and other weird noises arrive outside their protective doors.

“This is becoming more common,”Flute says with fear in her eyes, “I think the mainland is trying to bring us into their clutches.” Faris frowns at her thought. “Why?”Siren asks seriously, “we never impose our ways on them.” “It doesn’t mean they want us to continue in our ways,”Stone says honestly, “maybe they are trying to make us like them. Whatever that means.”

None of the orphans, staff and civilians are allowed to look out the window.

Icterine, 6, Major and their mother are sitting in their home. Silence is all they hear until the loud bangs ensue. Shouts of terror erupt outside. Men are shouting with fear. Sometimes those shouts disappear gradually. The men scream in fear and then, finally, in pain until silence ensues.

“Whatever it is,”Icterine gulps, “it’s killing the men.” “Hush, Icterine,”Tambourine, their mother, comforts, “it’s a threat that they must get rid of.” “Why does the threat want to get rid of them?”Major asks in fear, “threats don’t always want to get rid of the people around them.” “I get that Major,”6 whispers, “but the threat shouldn’t have come here if it didn’t want to pick a fight.” “So why did it?”Icterine asks fearfully, her face paler than usual.

Everyone goes silent as the war cries silence and the vehicles move on further.

Falcon hears the vehicles coming closer just as a loud bang lands on his roof. His parents silence him as he looks up at the dent formed in their roof.

“Mother,”Falcon says with fear in his eyes, “it must be someone who knows this place really well.” “Maybe,”his mother says in agreement. “Or someone who learnt this place really well before they came,”his father says logically as well.

Everyone sighs until they hear the vehicles leaving. Relief floods through everyone.

The alarm is still blaring throughout the society. Everyone knows to stay at home.

Quade and Galaxy are huddled together in their room. His parents are in their room. Mazarine is alone in her room. No one dares to leave their rooms in case they look out the window and spot something.

“Quade,”Galaxy whispers as the vehicles approach, “shouldn’t we look out?” He nods, “We should but we can’t get caught.” Galaxy nods. They both hear a loud bang and a huge dent appears on their roof. “Oh my,”Galaxy says as she looks up.

“Barnabas,”the men shout, “we got to take you home. Get off the leaders’ home.”

“Barnabas?”Galaxy mutters, “it’s someone from our society.” Quade nods, “No one from the mainland would dare approach us.” “They also know his name,”Galaxy says with fear in her eyes, “Is he a zero?” “I don’t know,”Quade says honestly, “I don’t know their names.”

“My name isn’t Barnabas,”he shouts back, “You have no control over me anymore. I’m free. I’m Azad. Give me my father so we can leave this civilization.” “We can’t do that Barnabas,”the men say cautiously, “we need to take you home.” “You don’t have the power to make me,”he says with anger, “I have escaped the only place you had control. I’m Azad.”

The vehicles start to move away soon after and the shouting fades as the group moves towards another location.

As the vehicles fade away, Quade and Galaxy look outside. They spot the vehicles and a shadow of a person running away. A few hours later, the alarm dies down and everyone is free to exit and go about their activities for the day.

Quade and Galaxy exit the home along with the rest of the family. There is damage but most of it has been cleared. Everyone enters the car and they travel towards the park that most families spend their day at.

The park is green with varying colors of flowers. The beauty is amplified by the people.

When Galaxy exits the car, she looks at all the oblivious people around her. All the people who just don’t care about what went down today. All the people who just continue their day like nothing has ever occurred.

She glances at Quade and he does the same. No one heard what they heard.

Galaxy and Quade walk hand-in-hand towards her family. Legacy spots her and runs towards her with her hands outstretched. Galaxy smiles as she notices the young girl of thirteen years running to her.

Galaxy and Quade are wearing white uniforms. They approach and Galaxy hugs Legacy tightly. Tears fall from Galaxy’s eyes as she holds her sister in her arms. Quade smiles sadly at Galaxy after she lets her go. He greets Legacy with a hand shake. Mazarine and her parents do the same to all Galaxy’s family members.

The day continues with family games that the leaders don’t take part in. Quade, Mazarine and Galaxy eat and play along with her family members. Aldrich leaves to go back home. Nazareth stays behind and watches the interactions.

After playing for a while, Galaxy comes towards Nazareth and smiles at her. They both are sitting on chairs.

“Having fun?”Galaxy asks as she looks at her face. “No,”Nazareth says curtly, “it’s fun watching you and your family interact.” Galaxy nods sadly, “Do you miss yours?” “Of course I do,”Nazareth says with a scoff, “why wouldn’t I?” “Some people hate their family,”Galaxy says honestly, “but I guess this society makes you cherish it.” Nazareth nods and smiles, “I always cherished them. I never knew anything that made me love them more because of the fear of losing them.”

Galaxy looks at her and starts to wonder what a woman like her could know. “Why did they make you a leader?”Galaxy asks sincerely, “I know why they made me a leader.” Nazareth smiles at her, “You are smarter than people think. My situation is similar to yours.” “You knew too much,”Galaxy says with sadness in her eyes, “they couldn’t leave you in society.” Nazareth nods and smiles.

Quade watches from the distance and smiles wholeheartedly.

“Galaxy,”Nazareth calls and says, “no one likes the society we live in. No one.” Galaxy nods, “I know that. I just wish I knew why you hate it so much.” Nazareth looks at her and then Quade comes towards them.

“Having fun?”Quade asks and his mother nods happily.

The day comes to its end. Everyone disperses with heavy hearts. Galaxy hugs her friends, her sister and her parents tightly.

Quade, Mazarine and Nazareth get into the black car. When they get home, Aldrich is waiting for them at the dinner table. They have already eaten. They all sit down in their spots. Aldrich is seething with anger.

Nazareth touches his right hand and he looks at her with pure anger. “When I decide to leave,”Aldrich says with anger, “I expect my family to leave with me.” Nazareth looks at him with annoyance, “You can’t do that to Galaxy.” Aldrich looks at her and says, “Yeah, but you, Mazarine and Quade don’t need to stay behind.” “We are a part of her family now,”Nazareth says with her anger boiling over, “you aren’t allowed to take away our rights because of her rank. Family Day has no ranking attached.”

Aldrich gets up and looks at all of them, “I am the leader but my own family won’t listen to me.”

Mazarine watches him leave and then lights up like a Christmas tree. “I loved your family,”Mazarine announces, “they’re all so introverted.” “Yeah,”Galaxy says honestly, “it’s hard living with them sometimes.” Quade nods, “Felt left out?” Galaxy nods, “I’m not the same as them.”

Nazareth gets up from her seat and looks at them with sadness, “I will go and talk to him.” Everyone nods.

A few moments later, Aldrich comes out of the room along with Nazareth. “Quade,”Aldrich says with his anger dying down, “we need to talk about some things.” Quade nods and walks towards his father’s office. Nazareth follows them.

Mazarine and Galaxy look at each other. “Thanks for always helping me out,”Galaxy says and Mazarine hangs her head. “Barnabas,”Mazarine says quietly, “I’ve heard mum talk about him in her sleep.” “What?”Galaxy says in a shocked whisper. “Let’s go to my room,”Mazarine says cautiously.

They arrive in her room after only a few seconds. Mazarine turns to look at her as they sit on her white bed.

“I heard the men talk to him,”Mazarine whispers, “I was in my parents room at the time.” “Oh,”Galaxy says, “I thought you were in your room.” “I woke up early and went to talk to them,”Mazarine says honestly, “while I was there the alarm started blaring. When they called his name, my mother’s eyes changed.” Galaxy tries to look at Mazarine’s face and notices the distant look.

“Do you know what society your mother comes from?”Galaxy asks with curiousity. “No,”Mazarine says curtly, “everytime someone asks they change the subject.” “Who?”Galaxy asks sincerely concerned. “My father and then my mother plays along,”Mazarine says with confusion, “even when we ask them, me and Quade.” “Strange,”Galaxy says as she looks at a worried Mazarine. “What if she’s from the mainland? Or from the zeroes?”Mazarine asks with concern. “I don’t know,”Galaxy says with sadness, “I wish I did.”

Both of them go their separate ways soon after the conversation.

Quade comes barging into their room with anger and pain on his face and in his eyes. “What happened?”Galaxy asks as she comes closer to him. His eyes and pace calm as his emotions come back into his control. “My parents,”Quade says with annoyance, “their expectations. I’m tired and it hasn’t even started.”

“Talk to me,”Galaxy says as they walk towards the bed to sit down. “They want us to know that we have to atleast have our first child by the age of eighteen,”Quade says and looks to Galaxy for anger. “I knew that was going to come soon,”Galaxy says and looks at Quade, “you should’ve expected it too.” Quade sighs and says, “Aren’t you annoyed?” “Even if I was,”Galaxy says with a fake smile, “it doesn’t matter.” Quade nods, “I guess you are right.” “Let’s wait a year,”Galaxy says and looks at him. He nods in understanding and they both head to bed, since the next day brings the routine they dread.

Galaxy and Quade dress in their white uniform. Quade in his pants and shirt. Galaxy in her dress.

They both arrive in the black car that will be taking them everywhere from now on.

They go straight to their classes together and wait until their favorite part of the day arrives.

“Hello,”Galaxy says happily. Everyone shouts a ‘hello’. “So what did you guys think about the threat?”Stone asks with a smile plastered on his face. “It was terrifying,”Icterine says and shivers. “Especially when the threat made a dent in the roof,”Falcon says honestly. “Yeah,”Quade agrees, “he did that to us too.” “He?”Navy asks curiously, “how do you know that?” Quade goes silent and Galaxy looks at him while shaking her head at his slip-up.

Everyone turns to Galaxy and she smiles, “He slipped up.” Quade looks around and makes sure no one is around. Everyone laughs lightly. “They said his name when he was on our roof,”Quade says honestly. Everyone looks at him in disbelief because he is telling them information.

“Who is he?”Icterine asks curiously. “We don’t know,”Galaxy says and everyone turns to her with confusion. “How don’t you guys know a member of society?”6 asks in disbelief. “He might be a zero,”Quade says honestly, “or an R or 5th that failed. I’m not sure.”

Everyone holds thoughtful expressions until the bell forces them to move their bodies and minds from the topic.

Classes ensue with twelve students in each class and silence throughout the lessons. Everyone is still healing from Family Day.

Finally, the last lunch break ensues. Everyone gathers and eats silently for a few minutes.

“So,”Nicolette asks, “are you guys going to try and figure this out?” Everyone nods in agreement. “Yeah,”Galaxy says honestly, “already looking without trying.” They nod slowly since they are confused.

Quade also holds a look of confusion and Galaxy knows she can’t tell him how she found out what she did find out. Her mind starts to rage with ideas for how she got the information. Only the truth stands out in her mind and she knows that’s the way to go.