A Rude Awakening

Days have gone by with Galaxy caring for the babies without Quade to help her. Her usual grades at school have dropped even lower than normal and having a life isn't a saying she knows any longer. Quade has been in a coma for some time.

Galaxy sits on the school's field alongside her friends and stares into space. Tears fall from her eyes and she is distant.

"Galaxy," Falcon says sweetly and Galaxy turns towards him with unshed tears, "do you want to talk about it?" "No," Galaxy says seriously and Falcon sighs. All her friends get up and leave her.

Falcon sits and watches Galaxy's thoughts playing on her face. Galaxy sighs, "Are you just going to stare at me?" Falcon nods and says, "If you don't want to talk, I will stay here and be silent."

Galaxy nods and leaves as soon as the bell rings.