As the weekend approaches, Galaxy walks around school with her growing belly and Quade nearby. Her friends are barely around.
The day goes by quickly and the break ensues soon enough.
"Hey," Galaxy says happily and everyone turns to look at them. "Hey," they say with exhaustion. "What's going on with you guys?" Quade asks worriedly. "Life," Stone says sadly, "just worried about Faris and Flute. I don't know if they are alive and well. I don't know if they are married. I am in the dark."
Galaxy sighs and Major does the same. Galaxy looks at him with confusion. Quade does the same.
"Life is just busy right now," Falcon says honestly, "even for you. You are barely here to see the things that go on at school. You miss half the chaos that we have to deal with and I get that you are the leaders, so you have a lot to do but it's insane." Galaxy smiles sadly.