Final Months Together

As the time comes closer to graduation, the group of friends go to school and spend their days preparing themselves for the big reveal of their future.

As the weather turns cooler and the world turns orange, the group of friends arrive at the school for the last few months that they will ever be together.

The group of friends sit down and chat during the lunch break. The days are used for exams and graduation preparations and some classes that are behind.

"So?" Galaxy says as they finish eating, "how are your families coping?" Icterine sighs and says, "My mum is very nervous because the three of us are graduating and she will be alone. I will miss Benning alot." Stone stays silent.

"My parents knew this day would come but it came so fast," Falcon says as he holds Legacy's hand. "Yeah," Legacy says sadly, "mum and dad lost you a long time ago Galaxy. It was never supposed to be that way." Galaxy looks at Quade's sadness.