Chapter 7

"Sare! You're gonna be fine without me ok?" She heard him holding her hands. Tears started to fall from her eyes and his too.

The five-year-old kid showed his signature bunny smile. The hurt was evident in his eyes but he was hiding it like he always did just to satisfy the person before him, Sarah. She knew he was always hurt and was in pain but he didn't show it to her so that she would be happy.

"No no please don't leave me alone! Please stay!" Sarah begged. She held him tightly but he vanished in thin air. Like he never existed. She got on her feet crying her heart out. Heartbroken like always.

"Jason!" She called before waking up. Realization hit her. She was sitting in her bed. Tyler was sleeping by her side. The room was dark except for a few rays of light entering through the half-open window. It was three in the morning. Her breathing was uneven and her heart was beating like hell. She ran both of her hands through her hair. The memories of her encounter with Zayden came back one after another. But how did I end up here? And where is he now? Did he run away once again? She wondered.

By the time her breathing became normal, her throat dried up and she extended her hand to hold the glass of water placed on the nightstand. It before she could hold it properly, it fell from her hand. And shattered into pieces. Tyler woke up to the sound of breaking glass.

"Sare? Are you awake? thank goodness!" Tyler hugged her tightly. "I thought I had lost you!" She sobbed while tears threatened to fall from her eyes. The thought of Sarah's death was enough for her to get heartache. She loved her dearly. As she had no other family other than her.

"Where is Zayden?" She asked sternly.

"I'll tell you what happened!" She assured her with a small smile playing on her lips while her eyes were glistening with tears of joy.


"I know she must be waiting for me!" Tyler said to herself. "God please help me! Save me from her!" She prayed silently looking at the ceiling.

Yes, the cat that Sarah found in her apartment was brought by her. She knew that Sarah did not like cats but she found a stray cat in the streets, was running away from dogs. And was unsafe there all alone by itself so she brought it home when she went out for her work.

She inserted the keys in the keyhole and opened the door. To her surprise, the lights were open and so were her fairy lights? Strange? Sarah didn't like her lights then how come were they on? She wondered.

She took slow but measured steps down the hallway. Upon hearing voices coming from the kitchen, her steps went in that direction, avoiding the sleeping cat on the sofa that she had brought earlier. Clam was her name. Yes, she named her that.

When she entered the kitchen, she saw an old man in his fifties trying to strangle Sarah. Her eyes widened, her throat became dry. Without wasting a second, she grabbed a nearby frying pan and hit the man with it several times. He passed out on top of Sarah. Tyler removed him from the top of her and checked her pulse. She was breathing. But her face was all pale. A sigh of relief made its way out of her dried lips.

After calling the cops, she placed Sarah on her bed and covered her with a duvet. Sarah looked at peace though. A warm smile appeared on her face.

Flashback end

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Sarah glared at Tyler.

She sighed. "I knew you were quite busy these days and had enough sleep that would keep you working the next day so yeah I wanted you to sleep properly at least for one day." She said, rubbing her thumb on Sarah's hand.

Sarah's mouth was open and she didn't utter a word. She was too taken away by this. She was glad to have a friend like her in her life.

"Was he the man you were talking about?" Tyler asked out of the blue. She nodded.

"Zayden is his name. I know he will get out of jail-"

"Jail?" Tyler asked, baffled.

"Yes, didn't you say he was arrested by Cops earlier?"

"Well no! He had left when I came back to the kitchen. I think he ran away from the living room window." She sighed, earning an evil chuckle from Sarah.

"He is a mafia after all but I have to make him regret what he just did!" She almost yelled, shaking her head. Tyler flinched but took the angry Sarah in her own embrace.

"Sare! Calm down! Everything will be fine hm?" She made small circles on her back.

"Of course it will be for us and for him it would be a living hell!" A devilish smirk appeared on her lips.

"You never fail to amaze me." Tyler chuckled. "So you are resuming your business?" Tyler inquired, breaking the hug and looking into her dark orbs.

"Are you crazy or what? I can't break my oath." She glared at her.

"I didn't mean that. I mean I thought you were going to-"

"To kill him?'' she cut her off. "You think that? No babe! I won't do that. I will do something else. You'll see!" She said, looking into oblivion, proud of her plan to destroy him in a way he had never imagined. Well, she was kinda happy to get back into her old mafia self unlike this new girl who was cold and dedicated her life to architecture nothing less nothing more. It was out of her habit you know ;)

"You won't tell me?" Tyler pouted. "As if I tell you everything happening inside my brain!"Sarah said teasing her.

"Why didn't you fight back? I know you are so good at fighting then why?" Tyler asked innocently.

"I wanted to check how much anger he got. To assure him that he can kill me but he has no idea that it was all planned." She smirked yet again, her eyes turning dark. Mind full of darkness that she had years before. The one she wanted to get rid of but couldn't cuz it was engraved in her soul forever!