My butt is hurting, it has been exactly one hour and forty-two minutes since I have seen young troublemakers lifting the floor, setting the tables on fire, which I particularly find very dangerous, as well as, driving water, blooming flowers, healing a wounded animal, which again, I particularly find very mean since I don't know how long the animal has been wounded, or if it wasn't even them that hurt them, I shake my head to shake off those thoughts. I see people getting up, I see people cheering, I see people getting jewelry, but mostly I watch Erns and the guards, while Carrie seems to be amused watching those cloying performances, if those people are being escorted to defend the kingdom poor whoever needs their help.
I try not to look completely bored when Rebecca and Carrie look encouragingly at me for the hundredth time asking what I had thought and for the hundredth time I reply an "oh that was a blast", yet secretly inside I was putting my fingers to my throat and rolling my eyes. The only thing that kept me entertained was stealing trays of food placed on the table where we were downstairs and well, eating. I was commendably popping a piece of unidentified food into my mouth when Rebecca elbowed me in the arm causing me to fall to the floor, and I stared at the floor for a few seconds wondering what pleasurable sensations that food would give me, before looking at Carrie and Rebecca who were elbowing each other to get a better view of the show.
- It is now, finally, the most coveted and powerful in the kingdom.
I rolled my eyes, but moved closer, wanting a better view. In the center of the courtyard were two men who, no joke, were the most beautiful people I had ever seen in my life. The one on the right was tall, with golden brown hair and eyes of the same color, his skin was so tanned that he looked as if he had been kissed by the sun, every muscle in his body seemed to be in the right place, I looked to the left and I felt as if my mouth had dried up and not even a stream would quench my thirst, The other was equally tall and muscular with dark brown hair and eyes the same color, I think brown is my favorite color, his skin is lighter than his friend's but he is equally beautiful and my god, hot, very hot, they emanated an aura that you can be sure, melted panties without even saying anything.
I was so focused on the boys that I couldn't hear anything around me, not what the queen was saying, not what Carrie was saying, and even less what Rebecca was saying, I heard little phrases like "you don't stand a chance", "you can forget about it" and "can you hear me? each one goes to one side of the patio and I can't tell which one I look at, they wave to each other and the hot one, nickname for the one on the right, suddenly becomes serious and seems focused, at first I feel a little tremor on the floor that gradually gets stronger, I look at the hot one and he is still focused, and it is then that everything begins to levitate, not just a piece of the floor, or a log of wood, but absolutely everything begins to form a whirlwind around them, stones, decorations, chairs made of wrought iron, I mean, it must have been a good few pounds, pictures, even the tables of some people sitting in front of them fly with the intensity of that power,
A strong and impetuous light starts hitting that hurricane of flying junk, the light begins to spread and forms a kind of ray that, when in contact with the objects, shattered them into a thousand pieces and turned them into dust, looking at the origin of the light I saw that the cold one, a nickname especially affectionate to the left, was releasing the rays of light as if he was playing Ping Pong. All right, maybe things are getting a little out of hand, the two of them were now in the center of the hurricane, the blocks of the walls were starting to come loose, as were the floors and, my goodness, they were having fun, they were fucking smiling at each other, well maybe these people actually have a chance.
I was concentrating on admiring the two hot guys, I really have to stop with these stupid nicknames, when I feel a strange sensation in my chest, I can't actually identify what it is, I put my hand on the spot and move away from the girls a little, am I going to be sick, because if so I picked a very bad time for this. Carrie notices me and stops drooling over the boys, coming towards me with a frown.
-Hey, is everything okay? - she puts her hand on my arm, smiling, "Relax, they're just guys.
Rolling my eyes, I take her hands off my arm and pretend to wipe it clean.
- I know you're boys, oh wait there's a drool dripping down the corner of your mouth here.
I smile and show her the corner of her lips that is supposed to be oozing drool. Carrie slaps me and smiles, then gets serious and raises her eyebrows.
- Really, are you okay?
Well the feeling had passed so I guess I was okay.
- Yeah, I'm b...
I didn't have time to finish my sentence, we hear a huge explosion noise and several people running and screaming, Rebecca gets out from under the table and starts running, I look at Carrie not understanding what the hell was going on, but just in case, I better follow the wave. We come out from under the table and see that the ceiling of the castle was broken, it seems that something big hit it, we were being pushed around since everyone wanted to get out through the same door that was on the other side of the courtyard, you could hear something like "get ready" and we are under attack" I even heard a "don't despair", but I really hadn't seen what was going on, or what all the fuss was about. Carrie is taking a deep breath beside me as we run to get to the gate, and suddenly she stops and pulls me along, I try to pull her again but she is standing still in the same place with her eyes wide open, I look at where she is looking and just couldn't believe my eyes, a huge and scary creature stood a few meters from where we were standing, the hot guys from the previous show were trying to immobilize the creature along with dozens of guards and other young people with powers. The creature had long wings and a huge neck, not to mention a tail that was almost twice the size of its body, the thing was huge at what I think was about seven meters long, while they were trying to take the creature down, instead of running away like all the other normal people were doing we just couldn't leave the place, I know I had to run and hide as well as protect Carrie but I couldn't stop staring at the creature, I had never seen anything like it, and surprisingly I wasn't afraid, I was surprised and scared of all that movement but I wasn't afraid of it, I feel myself being pulled around the waist, I look forward and see the cold hottie grabbing my arm pulling me behind a far table, followed by the hot hottie who was with Carrie, he makes us crouch down and hides us between the chairs, soon after they crouch down and look at us like we were aliens. The one who helped me runs his hands through his shoulder-length brown hair, how could I have missed that? he turns to me and raises an eyebrow.
- Are you two idiots or what? Didn't you hear the queen's orders to evacuate the place?
He says in a firm and serious voice, I wanted to speak, I wanted to defend myself, but the words just wouldn't come, I could only admire him, the boy moved a lock of hair away from his forehead and looked at me more deeply with those thick eyelashes, perfect nose and totally kissable lips, no, no, no Lauren focus, at this point I felt my face burning with shame.
- Sorry, we are not from around here, we have never seen such a thing.
Carrie stepped forward and saved me this time. The boy who had helped her, stares at her and smiles.
- A all right, so you mean that where you come from when you see danger you stop and admire them?
They were looking at us with nothing but disdain, my shame was slowly dissipating and being replaced by anger, who do these idiots think they are? Before I could answer, Carrie squeezed my hand and from the tone of her voice she was dangerously nervous as well.
- Listen here we were in shock, we had never witnessed anything like this in our lives and of course we were going to hide.
The hot hottie raises his perfectly beautiful eyebrows almost to his hair and tilts his head at Carrie.
- Sure and they intended to do this in what period between Garphin ripping their throats out or crushing their frail bodies?
Carrie starts to gasp faster, and I think she even growled at him, I have to hold her back so she doesn't move on him, I decide to say something after all I hadn't expressed my point of view yet and I didn't want them to think I was a fool who just keeps quiet.
- Well, we would have hidden before he did those two things, but you guys stepped in and came in as heroes saving damsels in distress.
The cold hottie leans toward me and lifts one corner of his lips, sighing, he glances back and turns his attention back to us quickly.
- Look, we don't have time to waste on you, we have to protect who," he looks at us both and frowns, "ham, who really needs our help, don't leave here, this is the most protected place in the area, understand?
We nod our heads in agreement, I avert my eyes and let out a "thank you assholes" and then they get up and start to move forward, the hot hottie then stops and comes back down in front of Carrie where he says something in her ear, but I can't hear, but it must have been something bad because she tries to hit him.
The hot hottie who was waiting for his friend, crosses his arms and sighs taking a lock of hair from his face again arching his eyebrows, seriously I'm starting to hate these perfect eyebrows.
- Come on Logan, we don't have time to waste with two retarded brats.
What? Retarded brats? I felt a hurricane rise up in my chest and warm all the way to my throat, the hot idiot joined him and the two of them left with a "see you around. Carrie had to hold me back from going after them and showing who was a retarded brat, but I was advised not to stoop to their level. We spied them walking away and going to meet the creature, the queen was also trying to defeat it, while the guards were trying to keep the people safe. I look at Carrie who is still snorting beside me.
- What did the hot hottie tell you?
She raises her eyebrows and half-closes her eyes.
- Hot Hot Chick?
Damn, I said out loud, trying to sound natural and calm.
- What? I had to put nicknames on them since we don't know their names. Are you going to tell me that you didn't do it either?
Is it normal that you are hiding from something that can kill you and are arguing about boys?
- His name is Logan, the other guy said when I was calling him, and he told me that I looked like a little dog he had as a child, which was small but noisy and angry, only that when in danger he hid with his tail between his legs.
I tried very hard not to laugh, because I knew it would make Carrie angry, well, even angrier. I look around while trying to find something to say that might calm her down, when I see a small door, look I seem to have found a way out. It seems that God really doesn't abandon his children, I feel a prickle of hope and I pull Carrie who is spying on what is going on and show her the door.
- This might be our only chance.
Carrie looks at the door, at me, and at the shouting mess across the yard. She nods, giving me a worried look.
- Well, it can't possibly go wrong, everyone is, um, let's say, busy.
We hear the shattering sound of breaking glass, and the ground shaking, I would say very well occupied. To get to the door we had to cross some tables and pass behind where the fight was going on, hopefully no one would see us, so we started to move silently when the creature gives a loud roar that made everyone fall to the floor, my bones shaking and my throat dry. Everyone stops as fear and focuses their attention on the creature Carrie and I take this moment to move and try to reach the door. The creature begins to speak in a guttural, icy voice that has everyone paying attention to its words.
- You think you own the world, that you can control everyone, but your reign will fall, we have given you time to treat us as equals, to treat us as we deserve but you have left us no other choice but war. And you, like the fools you are, think that a bunch of children will stop us?
The creature starts to laugh and we keep moving, silently or at least trying to, Logan and the cold hottie are getting up from the creature's blow when they spot us and start signaling for us to come back, the queen who is still on the ground now surrounded by guards protecting her gets up with some difficulty and takes a step forward followed by the guards.
- Who is controlling you?
The creature turns to her and smiles,
- And what are you going to do if you find out? we are already everywhere, there is no stopping us, you are no longer, but in control.
It was a very intense atmosphere in the courtyard and absolute silence settled in, everyone seemed to be terrified of what the creature was saying, I was terrified of what the creature was saying.
- Keep in mind that now we decide your futures and we know exactly when, how, and where to act and when you least expect it we will slam your doors and we will show you no mercy, just as you showed no mercy to us.
I signal to Carrie to double back now that everyone was quiet, maybe this really wasn't a good idea of ours, but with Logan and his friend looking at us, we can't go back and do as we were told, Carrie seemed to share the same sentiment because we kept moving forward between the tables, We were almost done going through them when Carrie accidentally hit a tray, both of us tried to catch the tray but it was too late, everything seemed to happen in slow motion, the tray slowly falling to the floor and my hands and Carrie's hands scrambling to catch it, the tray kept spinning for what seemed like an hour on the floor until it finally stopped still. It had been a few seconds since the tray had stopped but I kept looking at the floor, I looked to the side and saw that Carrie was wide-eyed and paler than paper, okay maybe they didn't notice us, my optimism was quickly replaced by panic when I saw that everyone was looking at both of us, including Erns who looked shocked when he saw us, and especially the creature who saw us.
- I think I'll start with a little welcoming gift.
The creature then started to move in our direction, we started to move backwards without knowing what to do, I feel something burning my chest almost unbearably, I look to the side and see Carrie taking the medallion from inside her blouse and I decide to take mine too since it was the one that was burning me, when we take off our medallions I hear sighs and whispers among people, like " who are they?", "that's not possible", "they stole those medallions from who? "I feel someone else holding my other hand, not the one Carrie was already holding and I see a strong hand wrapping around mine, I lift my head and see that the cold Hottie is looking at me confused now with several strands of hair on his face almost covering his intensely brown eyes.
- Who are you?
Before I could at least think to formulate a word the creature comes to us, I feel Cold Hot close his eyes and concentrate his powers raising his free hand I look to the side and see that Carrie and Logan also seemed to be concentrating, almost by instinct I check my eyes and concentrate, I feel my body getting lighter and more euphoric, and the medallion getting hotter and hotter, suddenly I feel an energy discharge go through my body and Carrie's hands and the delicious cold squeezed me tighter, I hear a loud noise and wonder if I really died, if this is death I don't know why people are so afraid it was the most pleasurable thing I have ever experienced in my life.
I feel weak and electrified. But nothing like dead, quite the opposite I feel like I have been sleeping for a long time and now I want to spend my energy, my hands are tingling where Carrie, and the delicious cold were holding them. I open my eyes and find Logan and the cold hot one with a surprised face looking from me to Carrie, who looks at her hands smiling I look around looking for the monster and I don't see anything, I look back to Carrie and now she is with her hands on her head I try to approach her but my vision starts to darken, I see Carrie falling on the ground but I can't help her because I also feel my body getting light and I fall into something soft and warm, very warm.