WebNovelThe Circle100.00%

Chapter 11

We finished lunch and headed to the library followed by Caleb and Logan, not sure how we were going to investigate what was happening to us with the two of them following us. Pushing the big wooden doors we came across an immense library, maybe that's not the right word for the monument that was before my eyes, the bookshelves went from floor to ceiling with more than five floors of the most varied themes and colors, the stairs, the furniture and the old architecture gave the place a touch of elegance and delicacy, and that smell of old books was like the sweetest and most delicious perfume, I took a deep breath closing my eyes and if I were alone I would have jumped for joy. I am suddenly awakened from my reveries by a deep voice and an arm around my shoulders.

- So, Buttercup, where do we start? I have already introduced you to the story of Baruel, are you looking for something specific? Maybe something that will help your plans?