Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Great Viran War

For the next few days, Ravan couldn’t get the oread bandit out of his mind. Why had he paused? Was that a hesitation? Had Ravan actually hesitated? Why? It wasn’t long before the oread was all that haunted Ravan’s mind, and perhaps even his heart. The look of terror on his face, his pleading words, the sound of regret and a subtle promise to change in his voice. Ravan shook his head vigorously. The oread hadn’t even attempted to apologize for threatening those children. There was no attempt to swear that he would never do it again. And that was important. The man would most certainly have done it again had Ravan let him live. Was that not what everyone else had essentially implied to Ravan with their last breaths?

“Orders are orders.”

“I was sick of her antics. So I finally shut her up for good.”

“I gave you a month!”