Medical store

The struggle he had been through for the past 16 years of his and still was struggling had made Feroz so brave that now he was not afraid of anything except that dream of a man sitting beside a grave.

Feroz had no one in his life and the only best friend he had was his shadow which remains with him in the light but left him as it gets darker.

Walking around the corner of a street with no one around and everything covered with darkness and silence he was looking for a medical store to break in and steal some medicine for his wounded foot.

After walking a mile or two he saw someone standing outside a medical store, it looks like he was locking the store, Feroz while watching him knew that he had a good chance to steal some money and medicine from that store and he decided not to miss that chance and avail it.

He from pocket of his pant took out a knife and started walking slowly toward the man who was not aware of what was going to happen, Feroz as soon as he reached behind that man put his knife around the neck of that man and grabbed the keys of the store from that person.

Feroz asked that person not to do anything stupid which can result in losing his life and that person who seems to age of 20 years surrendered himself to Feroz.

Feroz took him inside the store after unlocking it and tied his hands and feet with a rooe which he found behind the cash counter of the store.

After tying that man who seemed to be the owner of the store he asked that man to suggest some medicine for his foot and started to find in the store. His search didn't last long as he found medicine, he then decided to stole to some money from the cash counter too.

Stealing medicine and money from the store Feroz looked around for a minute, store was quite old and looked like the person he had tied with ropes didn't look after it with care.

He had got medicines and money so he decided to leave but while leaving the store,

he untied the hands of that man and with a final good bye he ran outside the store.

He was now running on a road and was trying to reach his shack as soon as possible, he didn't look behind if anyone was following him or not, after running for almost 15 minutes hea reached his shack and sat down.

"17 years and still he is running but for how long", he while taking medicine and applying cream on his wounds was thinking.

He had to take some decision whether to live life the way he was living before or to find out who he was and how he was going to bring change that will help him survive the next remaining years of his life with ease.

He counted money he had stolen from store and amount was 20,000 rupees.

Feroz knew he had to spend money with care and for that he had to plan what he's going to to do next.

Feroz, after few minute of thinking understood from where to begin and decided to start his journey from the only place he knew about.

He took painkillers and decided to sleep as he had to visit orphanage house from where he ran 5 years before.

While sleeping he had the same dream of man sitting beside a grave again,
