Trapped in the Shadows

The two men in black suits advanced towards Feroz and Mrs Aliya, their expressions cold and unfeeling. Feroz's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan, but it seemed like there was no escape.

"Hand over the boy," one of the men said, his voice low and menacing.

Mrs Aliya stepped forward, her hands raised in a gesture of surrender. "I'm afraid I can't do that," she said calmly.

The men didn't seem surprised by her answer. Instead, they took another step forward, and Feroz could see the glint of metal in their hands.

"Be careful," Mrs Aliya warned, her voice tinged with worry. "These men are dangerous."

Feroz didn't need to be told twice. He bolted in the opposite direction, hoping to create a distraction that would allow Mrs Aliya to escape.

As he ran, he could hear the sound of footsteps behind him. He knew that the men were chasing him, but he refused to look back. Instead, he focused all of his energy on running as fast as he could.

Just as he thought he had lost them, he heard a loud noise and felt a sharp pain in his side. He stumbled and fell to the ground, gasping for air.

When he looked up, he saw one of the men standing over him, a gun pointed at his head.

"It's over, boy," the man said with a sneer.

Feroz closed his eyes, ready for the end. But then he heard a commotion behind him, and the sound of someone shouting.

He opened his eyes to see Mrs Aliya, wielding a sword and fighting off the two men with ferocity. Feroz couldn't believe what he was seeing - the gentle woman he had known his whole life was now a skilled fighter, taking on two armed men with ease.

As Mrs Aliya fought, Feroz scrambled to his feet and ran towards her. Together, they fought off the attackers, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

When it was over, Feroz and Mrs Aliya stood panting, their bodies covered in sweat and blood. Feroz looked at Mrs Aliya with newfound respect and awe. He had never known that she was capable of such bravery.

But even as they caught their breath, Feroz knew that this was only the beginning. The men who had attacked them were still out there, and they wouldn't rest until they had Feroz's gift in their possession. The danger was far from over.