Blessing and Curse

"THE child has born! It is a girl!"

On this small island named Kinkasan, surrounded by mist in the dawn, a gifted baby protected by God was born in the Maruyama Manor. She was a holy and special child. When she was born, it was sharp at midnight. The sky was so clear. Not a cloud obscured the deep serene, and the night sky was aglow with shining moonlight. It was pleasantly a peaceful night. And so magnificent. Her adorable cries echoed in that room. Her smile melted into others' hearts. This child was both charming and delightful. What an absolute gift from God.

"My child. My beautiful little angel. Mummy loves you, sweetheart." whispered the mother softly.

The mother held her newborn for the first, and probably be the last time. The mother had her 'golden hour' after birth for dishearteningly a short time.

"Oh, God. How I wish for my baby to open her eyes and look at me." The mother cried. Then, the mother kissed her baby gently, deeply. She tried to record the baby's face permanently in her memory. For this is the only time she could spend with her baby.

Before handing over the baby to the midwife, the father had his only chance to hold the baby.

"We shall name her Yuki." said the father.

The mother considered it for a moment and smiled. "What a beautiful name. It means 'snow' and 'happiness' in Japanese."

Everyone in the room agreed happily. There are only four people in the room; the parents, the baby, and the midwife.

The father kissed the baby's forehead. "I never imagined the day I would love someone equally to your mother. My baby." The father stared at the baby for a moment before giving her to the midwife.

"I entrust you with my child. If anything happens to her, I don't mind rising from ashes to kill you."

The midwife stuttered before finally saying, "Yes, my lord."

Before leaving that shrine, the husband and wife looked back for one last time.

'Our precious daughter. Some might say she is a blessing and a curse. But for us, she will always be a blessing and our source of happiness.'

The couple felt downhearted to leave their precious one. But for this baby's safety… they would do anything to keep her safe and sound.

With a heavy heart, they left the island. And never returned.