The Visits - Part 6

Mrs. Floris excused himself after that, after conveying her sincere gratefulness to Yuki, who she thought more like a brilliant doctor; rather than a mere healer. And so, she insisted on preparing lunch for the guests. A lavish lunch! This head maid believed she must show her thankfulness, especially to Mrs. Stallard. And lunch seemed proper, and Mrs. Floris promised to serve them good. Madam Charlotte, if she awoke, she must wish the same as well.

Damien wanted to refuse her kind gesture. Dallying was only slowing them, and there were five more houses to visit. But before he could reject further, the head maid had escaped from him and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Hmm. It seemed they did not have any second choice either. And indeed, everyone (the knights) was starving. And great food was just what they needed right now.
