The Visits - Part 8

* Continuation of (The Visits - Part 6) *

The argument–no–the peaceful conversation between this man and wife continued, but with a twist and turn. From questioning to worrying. And from worrying to another dispute which then turned into a big fight between spousal.

        And there was no further question of what was that light Damien saw in front of Madam Charlotte's room. And the mystery about Yuki's ability remained unsolved.

        Damien, still holding his wife's hands, hollered, "YOU ARE BURNING, Yuki!" But his wife was quiet. Damien felt Yuki's hand warm and noticed her face flushed abnormally. And her amber eyes, which he loved most about her, were glassy. Either Yuki was holding back from crying. Or her fever caused those tears, Damien could not discern. Then, Yuki looked away.