Annabelle seemed not to believe that the man who had challenged her to ride a horse had also come to Lord Albert Louis's dance. That means the man in front of him is a noble bachelor. Annabelle's eyes seemed to sparkle at the man, but of course she remained polite by hiding what she was feeling right now.

"If I may know, what is your name?" asked Annabelle.

The man suddenly grabbed Annabelle's hand which was wrapped in soft white gloves, then kissed the back of her hand. "My name is Simon," replied Albert, who used the name of his servant to get acquainted with Annabelle.

Annabelle's forehead creased in surprise. "Only Simon? I never heard of a London aristocrat named Simon."

"For tonight, just call me Simon," Albert replied.

"Alright then. My name is Annabelle Taylor, I am sure you have heard the gossip about me, so I do not need to introduce myself again," said Annabelle trying to remain confident with the status rumors.

"There are times when we turn a blind ear to every piece of gossip about what's going on."

"Yes, I hope to do that. A woman seems to have a harder time covering her ears than a man."

"You are very good at horse riding, do you join the riding club?" asked Albert, shifting their conversation about Annabelle's gossip.

"No, My Lord. I learned from my Dad. After dad died, I taught myself and I enjoyed spending time in the forest."

"I believe in that. You seem very familiar with the forest."

"Of course, from the age of 12 I have entered the forest. And that's where my happiness is."

"You are truly a unique princess, I admire you."

"Oh, that's a normal thing for me, My Lord. There is nothing you need to admire about me," Annabelle replied, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Only this time had a noble praised him and didn't care about his tarnished status.

"How about we talk on the other side of this castle? It's quieter and less noisy there."

"Would Lord Albert Louis be okay with exploring his castle without permission?"

"Of course not, I'm a good friend, even I know the layout of this castle by heart."

"Oh really? But soon the dance will start soon, don't you want to dance?"

"How about we dance there? I'm sure the music can still be heard from there"

Annabelle looked thoughtful for a moment. Wasn't her purpose for the dance party going to attract Lord Albert Louis? Why did it have to end up with Simon?

"Well, I really don't like crowds and excessive manners," said Annabelle, agreeing with the man who claimed to be Simon. Even his mouth was out of sync with his brain anymore.

A happy grin crossed Albert's lips. Annabelle is a completely different woman, her charms made her want this woman. Albert also took Annabelle to a room on the other side of the castle. The room was a small hall, where he gathered the landlords to report their agricultural produce and to calculate the taxes that had to be paid.

The room was no less beautiful than the main hall, where the ball was held. The color of the room is dominated by golden brown, very harmonious with the eyes of the man who invited him. A fireplace is in the corner of the room. The rows of tall, long windows on the castle walls made the room look charming. The room was also decorated with red velvet which was amazing.

"This room is so beautiful," muttered Annabelle as her eyes swept across the room.

"Come in!"

"Is it true that we can come in here? What if Lord Albert Louis gets angry because a guest is rude? "

"He won't get angry, I'm used to exploring this castle when he's away or hunting."

Annabelle finally stepped into the room. His body suddenly came to a halt when a beautiful piece of music sounded in his ears. "Looks like the dance has started, is it true you don't want to go to the main hall to find a woman you can dance with? It would be very boring if you only accompany me here"

"Would you like to return to the main hall and find some noble gentlemen for you to dance with?" Albert asked Annabelle back. Instead of answering Albert's question, Annabelle stepped out to the side of the window. Her eyes were staring at the scenery outside the castle window.

Observe the sturdy castle building, with several tall towers. You can see also a dark forest and full of mystery in it, the forest where he spends time. Beneath the window, lined up the chariots of the guests at the Lord Albert Louis dance.

After being satisfied staring at the scenery outside the window, Annabelle turned around and started to make a sound. "Griselda, servant and my guard, he wants that. It spent a lot of money on the dresses I wore and the trains I rode, so that I could dance with the royals. She is very worried about me, afraid that if not one noble person will marry me," said Annabelle not with sad face but with a smile, as if she was comforting herself.

"You yourself, what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know, I myself don't know. For sure, I am currently not wanting to go back to that party. You can leave me here, and if you meet Lord Albert Louis, please tell him, if I borrow his room for a minute. You don't have to leave the party because of me."

"I invited you here, there is no way I would leave you alone. What if tonight, you don't have to think about your guard's worries and enjoy your evening dancing with me?" said Albert who then approached Annabelle. Leaned over her body, then reached out to invite Annabelle to dance.

Those blue eyes glistened into Albert's golden eyes, making Albert's chest tremble. There was no way he would leave this enchanting woman alone in his room. Just now Albert's body froze because of Annabelle's beauty. When the woman is standing in front of the window in a magnificent dress. Slender and seductive waist, face glistening with moonlight shining on her face. Her golden hair was like a gold net that curled beautifully around Annabelle's head.

Has Annabelle never realized her own beauty and chose to isolate herself? Albert swears that Annabelle is the most beautiful and bravest woman he has ever met in his life.

Albert's neat white teeth were seen on his lips when Annabelle accepted his helping hand. Albert immediately put one hand around the woman's slender waist, while the other, grabbed Annabelle's fingers which were protected by the fine white gloves she was wearing. Their bodies began to move to the music that could faintly be heard in their ears.

"Did you hear the music clearly? I didn't hear it very clearly, it made my movements very ugly" Annabelle said honestly. Her feet tripped several times because of movements that were not the same as those of the man who had invited her to dance.

"Just close your eyes and listen to the sound that comes into your head. Ignoring the music, we will dance with the sound of nature," whispered Albert in Annabelle's ear.

It was then that Annabelle closed her eyes, listening to the voice that sounded in her head. The pounding of the horse's stomping steps, the pounding of water falling from a height, the leaves and branches colliding with the wind and the sound of the singing forest insects. All of that became beautiful music, which led Annabelle's steps to dance.

Albert and Annabelle's bodies danced beautifully in the middle of the hall, Annabelle's eyes were open and the music was still playing beautifully in her head.

Albert smiled at their every move. Annabelle twisted around and caught her back. Hugged the woman's body and held her fingers. Albert and Annabelle also forgot their politeness, there were no soft smiles like their parents and great-grandparents often taught them, but loud laughter echoed through the room.

Albert was the first to laugh, making Annabelle laugh. For the first time in her life, Annabelle didn't need to be polite in front of a noble man. He does what he wants. Move, laugh and dance fast.

Their breaths began to gasp, Annabelle's hair began to lose its bonds. That's when Albert grabbed Annabelle's body and locked it. Their eyes stared at each other and sank into each other's clarity. Their heartbeat raced because of the dance they did just now.

Albert's gaze fell to Annabelle's beautiful lips, Annabelle who knew where Albert's gaze was only silent, allowed the man's lips to touch her.